
Do you think this time travel claim holds water?

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im confused on the matter?




  1. Your kidding right? If he really traveled in time, he whould emerge pushing the button! From his point of view, time would not have progressed, best he could have hoped to have simulated is an act of dissapearing. Figure that, time still progressing for the traveler. "Step right in ladies and gentlemen, visit the future, offcourse you'll be bored to death during the trip and be dust when you arrive"

    Sorry to be snide, but dumbass timetravel irritates me to no end. One of the early X-files: "Look at me running around, time has stopped because my wristwatch has stopped ticking!

  2. You're confused?  That man be a real good salesboy, shoe shinning rebel.

  3. its total b.s. you can see the light change color

  4. I can't imagine why people doubt this video. I mean if you discovered the secret (or a device for) to time travel what else would you do except put it on You Tube.

    Certainly you wouldn't go after the Randi million dollar prize, well you might but he would probably declare time travel not paranormal and not test your claim.

    Certainly you wouldn't go to a university or physics laboratory and become famous in the world of science and have your claims validated by real scientist.

    No, the fact that it is on You Tube taped from his living room is the greatest proof of all that it must be real.

    If anyone has a real claim of this nature I suggest the institution below to take your discovery to for validation.


  5. That was obvious video editing. Quite smoothly done, I grant you, but edited nonetheless. Time travel is possible, and has been achieved using relativistic effects (e.g. the clocks on Concorde always ran slower because of the speed of the plane; therefore the passengers jumped 2 seconds in to the future every time they flew JFK to Heathrow), but meaningful time-travel is not possible under the conditions to be found in this solar system.

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