
Do you think this was a bizarre interview approach?

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Was this a bizarre interview? WOULD YOU have done this?

I would really love some feedback on this one! I was called to interview for a greater than life job at a local hospital. I did intially interview and it went well. I felt that they would be offering me the "job" as a clinical supervisor. I got a calll the next day to intervierw with a panel of nurses that I would potentially be supervising.. I loved this idea!!

I met with this bunch today about 10 staff members. I sat in a circle and the generic interview questions rang off. I really like the bunch that I was there with until one nurse pulled out a list of questions and fired one after another at me. Like I was at a firing range and I was the target.

She asked some very good quesitons, but a few were asked with inappropriate language.. LIke "what would you do with a **** stirrer?" I answered very honestly.. then she pulled out my resume and said you have left many jobs in just more than a year. Explan yourself.? I did very eloquyantly and explained some positions I had to pursue elsewehre due to the nature of degree I was pursuing at school ect. She was very rude, harsh and inappropriate with her inquires and told me "I just want to make sure you are going to stick around" "we have had so many managers over the last couple of years " There was other odd things that came out of the interview like expections of me working more than full time ect..

I thought about this weird impression and though I'd write a kind letter outlining my impression of what I was originally interviewing for and what the job really was. I futhered the letter by telling the manager that the choice of employee's to speak to me was for the most part positive except the one outlined above. I did tell her as a manager to another this was not a good impression of your office and on that alone i would decline any offers of employment.....

I did tell her that I was NOT interested in pursuing this position any further and thank her for her interest.

Would you have done this?




  1. You were in the right.  Imagine having to work with that awful woman!  She sounds very unprofessional, using vulgar terms for medical lingo.  There are other jobs.  Good luck in finding a great one! :)

  2.    No, I would not.  It makes you sound very full of yourself, to assume you were being offered the job when you did not know if you would be asked to join their establishment.  It also shows a lack of management skills on your part to not be able to deal with a 'rude' subordinate.  Should I have been offered the job, I would have declined it with a general statemnet along the lines of the group of employees whom I met with did not give me the impression that I would be a good fit for your etablishment.  I would never single out one employee.  That is just not good management technique.

  3. Ms. Interviewer would have made life unbearable for you.  I think you did okay.  Better luck on your next interview.

  4. I think you did the right thing, even if i wanted the job i wouldn't have taken because of those horrible staff members. Maybe that had some bad motive for hiring people, like they were worried that might be replaced by someone they hired. Yes i deffinetly agree with you when you wrote that note.

  5. Well. . . I don't know.  If it was someone I had a chance to be in a position over, I probably would have taken it.  But that's me.  You didn't like it and that's you and that's fine.  I think that if you turned down the position rock solid, then if I were you, I'd definitely write a letter.  It might do good, it might not.  My mom and sisters are CNA's and they see a lot of political garbage and personal interferences go on when it comes to superiority and seniority.  I would tho if I were you.  

  6. If you felt uncomfortable..  don't dwell on it.. but this is a job with responsibilities and she came across as kind of rude but they have to ask those kind of questions for anyone who takes up a position with a lot of responsibility.. they will ask why you changed jobs frequently and it's ok that she said they want someone who sticks around.. I don't like that she used rude language. but at a hospital you work with all kind of people and probably have to get used to all kind of language also from the patients.. and they fire questions at you.. but you have a right to take a moment before you answer back.. you let them ask one question at a time. and you don't answer back like a quickfiring tank.. you have the right to reflect .. that also gives them the impression that you really try to understand or answer the deeper meaning of the question and answer it to your best ability..  much better than answering back right away without thinking.. I would not have declined the job if that's what i want.. and about overtime work.. if this is a job with high responsibilities and in a hospital setting then it is true..they have to be willing to work overtime. they will get paid .. and they must be able to take the time off on other days.. or get the overtime pay.. so it would depend how much I would like the job rather than how much I liked that one interviewer..  that would be what would make me either say yes or no to the job.. '' if the job was not to my liking after I had heard what is expected of me.. but the attitude of one staff member if i really liked the job would not change my mind... but this is your career and if you did not like the atmosphere.. a good work atmosphere is important.. you have to work in that job.  and you need to at least like the job. it's no good to drag yourself every morning to a job you hate.. for some reason..  so I believe you did the right thing.. what you for yourself believed to be right.. x*x

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