
Do you think this was inappropriate?

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We were watching Disturbia in high school, study hall. The hot girl was flirting with the guy. She was like, all over him. He was nervous, and stammering. My teacher said "She wants to grab his joystick!"

My mom wants to write the principal, I told her it is no big deal.

The youngest student in his class was a 13 year old female (me), and there were freshman through seniors.




  1. Sue the teacher.

    That is completely inappropriate.

    ... although the story did turn me on.

  2. That is extremely inapproiate,firstly the film is a 15 and there is people in the class below the age,why were you all watching a film in class should you not be engaging in work  and finally its highly un professional to refer to a man private parts as joystick let alone talk  about what she would like to do to him sexually that is a complete violation, i urge your mother to write to the headmaster asap and express her concerns also inform the school governors and in from the headmaster you no longer want to be taught by a teacher who is allowing under 15's to watch a 15 and to be talking in such a graphic sexual nature to under 15's your mother should request an investigation into the matter promptly

  3. Yes, inappropriate--but I would suggest that your mom wait for a pattern before writing to the principal--too bad you have to attend a school like that, keep your distance from the teacher.

  4. Completely inappropriate.

  5. Yes, it was inappropriate.

  6. the movie itself is rated such that legally the teacher should have sent permission slips home with students long before showing the film.

    the comment itself was juvenile, unprofessional, and highly inappropriate. it may not be enough to get him fired, but it is enough to land him in very hot water for a possible sexual harassment suit.

  7. Absolutely. I think your mom should talk to the teacher first. She should ask the teacher's view of what happened and then make a judgment. It doesn't sound like an appropriate show to watch and I would suggest she asks why students were exposed to that show at school. I think there are a lot of educational videos out there that can be shown to students. If the meeting doesn't go well, then talk to the principal. If that doesn't work, then put it in writing. At least that gives the teacher a fair shake, although it doesn't sound like he/she has much to stand on!

  8. Coming from a teacher, I'd say inappropriate. However, for just one remark I wouldn't think it's necessary to make a complaint yet. If it becomes a pattern, then maybe...

  9. Inappropriate.

  10. Well on top of the teacher saying that, why the teacher was allowing that in the class room is beyond me, And good for your mother, I would be all over that, I wouldn't write the principle I would be at the school.  

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