
Do you think this was wrong?

by Guest10768  |  earlier

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Well today after school i finally got to see my boyfreind of one week now... We talked and hugged as he walked me to my bus on...But today as i was walking home from my bus stop i seen this boy and his friend who had just gotten off their bus im physically attractive to the boy who lives like rite up the street from me... And i guess he is too ,because as i was walking he had told me a lame picked up line and i laughed and he had asked me what school i go to. and so on but in the end of our two min conversation we ended up exchanged numbers ... Do you think this was wrong for doing this?




  1. Crushing on guys is a normal part of being a teenager, as you mature your going to start to focus more on your present relationship(at that poing, that is). Just don't let yourself get to caught up or your going to be more confused about your emotions.

  2. Listen if you both are physically attracted to eachother and you obviously were flirting with eachother you didnt exchanged numbers as "friends" you exchanged numbers with the intent that something will possibly happened. One piece of advice I can give you is if your with someone and you like someone else just break up with your bf is you think something is gonna happen with this other kid! its just not right.

  3. You sound much too young to be in a relationship. Stick to your homework and leave the boys alone, or you'll be funding Planned Parenthood with your dead child before you know it.

    Relationships are serious business. Grow up first.

  4. I don't think so.  I exchanged numbers with my /friends/ at some point.  As long as you don't cheat on your boyfriend with this kid, then I guess it's okay.

  5. nooo .thats cute. how old are you? just dont do anything ur not supposed too.

  6. as long as ur just friends.... dont worry about it

    good luck with ur man!

  7. i would let your boyfriend know about him, because if he finds out about you being friends on his own later, he will probably be upset and get the wrong idea.  it all depends on intentions.

  8. i guess long as you guys are just friends.........

    if nothing serious is going on, then you shouldn't feel guilty

  9. No, you'll be fine.

    You're just friends.

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