
Do you think this whole Miss America thing undercuts?

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the National Security issue for the Republicans?




  1. Nope, I think the fact that she is under investigation for abuse of power is a REAL ISSUE.  Why would McCain pick someone like that?  

    Someone mentioned his choice might be cynical, in that he might have picked her for the shallow folks who will vote for her because she was a beauty queen.  Does the phrase Lowest Common Denominator come to mind?

  2. LOL. Keep 'em coming. God knows McCain will never live this one down.  

  3. Yes, in that she has no foreign policy experience, or almost none . In addition to her being investigated for trooper gate.none in general.

  4. Yes but I'd say the abuse of power investigation is a bigger problem.  But cons probably love that since they love Bush, the biggest power abuser of them all.

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