
Do you think this will be okay

by  |  earlier

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My horse lost his shoe today. I walked him around to make sure there was no limping and any signs of lameness. He was fine. I have a horse camp coming up and i already told my trainer i was bringing him. So do u think he will be ok riding with the shoe missing. As of now he only has one show on since he only gets his back feet trimmed




  1. Either get the shoe replaced or pull the other one.  Uneven heights and surfaces can make a horse really lame, really quick.

  2. I think so if everything else is the way it was and is not too noticeable. Just make sure your horse is really okay with it and stands up straight.

  3. I would take off the other shoe

  4. I would also say that the other shoe needs to be removed.

  5. try to get his shoes on...but if you can't TRY snd get the other shoe off (find some one who has the tool to get it off I can't remember what it is called) if not...DUCK TAPE IT!!! haha one of the thousand used for duck tape xDDDD just wrapp his foot in it so he hopefulyl wont get sore fromnot having a shoe


  6. Depends on the surface you will be riding on at camp. A hard surface can really wear down a hoof quickly. Really would be better to have the shoe replaced if at all possible.

  7. u really shouldn't ride him with only 1 shoe. if you aren't going to get it put back on take the other one off. it may hurt him to keep it on

  8. I personally would not ride him unless any other shoes were also pulled.

  9. it will probably be ok when my horse lost a shoe i kept on riding her and she was fine.

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