
Do you think this will convince my parents to let me get a hamster?

by  |  earlier

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I have been working on this for a long time, and it won't all fit, so be prepared. Have a look at it, and check out the site.

Hamster Prices

Hamster: $10-$15


Bin $15 approx.

Exercise wheel: $10

Run About Ball $4-6

Food $6

Water Bottle and holder $4

Food Dish $2

Hideaway: $4 (could use plastic container or tissue box)

Bedding $16 for a 60 Liter bag of Carefresh (the best bedding you can buy) (This is the internet sale price, and it’s very cheap for its good quality, and that much will last for a long time.)

Total Price: Approx. $60-65 To start off




  1. Sounds convincing to me.

  2. it might work...i would recommend a glass aquarium with a screen lid though...bored hamster + plastic bin might = hamster chewing out of plastic can happen

  3. You seem to be very responsible =].  I'm sure your parents will respect your desicion of getting a hamster, also , if you dont have any other pets , may sure to include that this is your first pet and you want to see how it goes ! =]  It worked with me when i asked my parents =]  GOOD LUCK!!!!

  4. I would defintely let you get a hamster if I were your parents.  You have taken a lot of time out to research hamsters!

    I had hamsters when I was growing up.  Now I have gerbils.

  5. I would so buy you the hamster.  It sounds like you have truly given it a lot of thought.  If my kids apporached me like that I would give in and get it.

  6. no

  7. hmm  well i have had 2 hamsters before and the only reason my mom wont let me get one again is she that they smell WTF i cleaned its freeken cage every 4 days and had an air freshener. IT DIDNT SMELL. i think that was just an exsuse to make me more depressed but that defently sounds convinceing

  8. wow you really did your research just show it to your parents becuase if you had enough responsibility to research it then you should have enough responsibility to care for one oh and by the way i hope you kow

    1they are nocturnel

    2most will nip when you first get them and dont like to be handled

    3if you wake them up in the day most will bite (although mine never did it just jumped)

    just makin sure you knew

    p.s.if you have enough money i would recomend you get a wire bar cage becuase

    1better venalation

    2when your hamster bites the cage which it will do since there teeth never stop growing the metel bars wont break

    and 3 it is easier to hang stuff on such as water bottles and wheels but they can cost 20-30 dollars and most are preety small just watch the chewing and it will be fine!:)

  9. I think that is a fantastic start!

    Although, I would suggest taking the Ball off, many small animal parents disagree with them, myself included.

    How would you like to be forced into a ball and made to run around in it without a way to get out, no food, water, and your own droppings flying around you with each step?

    Also, little toes can be caught in the air slits and broken.

    Anyway, good luck!

    You sound very knowledgeable and responsible.

    Just be sure to bring home the cage and supplies and set it up FIRST, then go and get the hamster. :]

  10. You're parents should let you get a hamster.  You sound very responsible!

    But i recomend getting a Guinea Pid instead.  I had hamster before my guinea pig and they were no where near as friendly, sociable, or smart.

    Good Luck!!

  11. Well, looks like you did a lot of research. I think you should confront your parents and show them everything.your cost estimates are realistic, do you plan to pay for the stuff or are your parents paying for it? do you plan to pay for weekly/monthly costs (I.E. food, bedding, replacing broken things down the road, etc.)?? if you don't have the money, and your parents say no, then earn the money. I'm sure they couldn't refuse if you had the money yourself. I hope you get your hamster! they are great affectionate little guys!

  12. Of course, I am looking for a hamster too. If it will convince my mom, it will work. :P

  13. You have worked really ahrd, haven't you! I say it is impressive. Just be warned, those items you listened tend ot range more expensive then that.

    And if you want a dwarf, do NOT get it a bin to live in. It warms up quickly and drawfs die of heat stroke often. I would say a 10 gallon fish aquariam or a plastic cage made for dwarfs+gerbils.

    Hope you get it!

  14. this is very convincing, but it will also help if you can show your parents you are resposible in other areas of your life then just pet owning... if they know your are responsible at say, hanging out with friends, they will think you are mature enough to handle a pet

  15. If I were your mom, you could have 12 hamsters. :)

    They also sell hamster kits at the pet store (food, wheel, cage, water bottle, starter bedding, etc.) for discounted prices usually. So you don't have to MacGuyver a cage at home if you don't want to.

  16. Of Course!

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