
Do you think this will happen if Obama is elected?

by  |  earlier

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Will Obama start showing up late for everything and running on "black people time"?

Will he take a lot of unexplained days off from his job as president?

Will little things start disappearing from the Oval Office?

Are you really taking this question seriously and getting offended?




  1. you bet ye, when he moves out you won't recognize the place.

  2. Well, these are questions that many people have, but personally, I want Obama to win, he doesn't have that "look" in his eye like John McCain does. Obama seems like a nice guy, and I hope he wins. Lots of people disagree with me including my family, but I just can't think of what would happen if McCain wins.........He seems like he would be another Bush in the White, I'm not black.........

  3. you haven't mentioned my question of him having the white house rotated so the oval office faces to the east!!

  4. Well at first I thought "here's someone who is a bit of a redneck", but then I found it irritating to be reading these questions, and then I got to the last line and figured, " the guys just poking at the pile with his stick for a stink ".

    No I didn't take it seriously after the first line, and no I wasn't particularly offended by your assumptions on Mr. Obama's ancestry.

    I just thought it was a "nitwit" looking for a redneck to massage his ego.

    You can't let someone like that offend you or take him seriously.

  5. Racism will be eliminated, reparations for slavery will be given, The Confedrate South will be allowed to form their own poor idiotic country presided by some hill billy republican and all northern black people will be millionares showing their bling bling and rims. Life will be hunky dossy with lots of butterflies in the air.

    Forget my cynicism but I can't see america allowing a Black president...ever! He can't win the south (they've been pissed at Democrats since the 1964 civil rights act with Martin Luther King Jr.) Obama won't win the racist (I mean working-class lol) the pressure will be in the midwest like Ohio...and you know republicans have been advertising so heavily there already for this reason....America is very predictable...who else would let a retarded former dope-head be a 2-term president?! Exactly.

  6. Oh boy you forgot another option.

    Will he rename white house an Black house.

    You are such a dumbass aren't you,I'm laughing at your question.

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