
Do you think this will work...exchanging formula?

by  |  earlier

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i bought similac using baby cant keep it down and they DONT use anything else...even with a doctors note. he keeps down this enfamil VERY well and its made him gain weight that he has lost since birth.

anyways...i wanna take the similac back to a different store then i bought it from...same name store just a different location and try to exchange it for enfamil without a recipt. do you think i can do that?




  1. I got Enfamil on WIC, I have never heard of them only giving Similac and if your child has to switch due to a doctors advise WIC has to give you new checks (or whatever they use now) for the new formula even if they have already given you your monthly amount.

  2. No you can't not without a receipt.  I am not on wic but had the some thing happen with my son but it was goodstart he hated and similac he likes but anyway I bought the big $27.00 can and didn't have the receipt and was allowed to exchange it but was told the only reason I could was because the large cans aren't covered by wic.  The store will lose it's wic certification and will be no longer allowed to accept wic.  I think this sucks 'cause you aren't asking for a refund just an exchange.

  3. i would think and hope so! and if not bring it to walmart they'll take anything back!

  4. why not try. as long as its the same store different location the bar code would be the same. It's worth it if the similac is making baby sick. But I don't think you'll get away with it for that long the stores around you are bound to notice. There' s gotta be a way to get that wic to switch over just ask them what it would take.

  5. "do you think i can do that?"

    No. I have seen the letters formula companies send to stores reminding them to not accept returns or exchanges on formula...

    ...would you really want them to? You don't mind if somebody buys it, leaves it in their steaming-hot trunk for two months, and then takes it back, and you buy that can?

  6. it depends on where you live i tried this once they refused since they know its a wic item

  7. NO exchanges or returns when you buy items with WIC's clearly stated.  

  8. nope, sorry.  

  9. The WIC program is required to substitute formula with a doctor's recommendation.  I know because I work for the WIC program.  It wont help you with the formual you've already got, but for next time...

    It may or may not work, it depends on where you purchased it.  If they ask if it's WIC and you say yes, then they wont.  If they ask, and you... lie, then it may.  If they dont ask, it may.  You can't return the opened forumla.  

    I know walmart superstore does not accept formula returns, and a few other big chains don't also.

    Call your WIC office and get a Dr. note.  They HAVE to change it.  It varries by state,each state contracts with a specific company.  In FL we contracted with Good-Start (nestle) in WA we contract with Similac.  What they initially offer may not be what you need but they will change it if the doctor says to.  WIC formula is not something you get to choose, but if it's a necessity they give you what you need.

  10. Ok bad thing to say but I've done this. For the same reason. I had 2 cans that I needed to exhange. Go to Target or Babies R Us. What I did was I went to target and since I didnt have a reciept they did store credit (and they wouldnt refuse it due to WIC since they do not participate in WIC). They didnt even ask why I wanted to return it, but I offered by saying "its unopened, its just the wrong one and I didnt know". Since you can only return two items a year at target without a reciept (by using ur Drivers License), and I had already done one, they let me return one can and gave me buy the can I needed.

    Since I had one leftover can I just went over to Babies R Us and did the same thing.

    I know its wrong but I was exchanging it for more formula. My son needed to eat. His is $26 for a 16oz can that doesnt even last a week.

  11. WIC can give you enfamil.  My friend gets enfamil from wic.  I know because when she got it, she gave me a can she never used and it was from wic.  Enfamil Prosobee is what she gave me.  

  12. Most stores now require a receipt even for exchanges. I'd be surprised if you were able to do this.

  13. i think so cause its the same name store. idk how wic works though. not sure if they have rules about that kind of stuff  

  14. I would think so. Like a Walmart or Target maybe. But just make sure that those stores carry exactly what you have.

  15. I'm not sure but In NY we get Enfamil.

  16. Doubtful.  Formula purchased through the WIC program is not eligible for return, and therefore most stores require a receipt for any returns or exchanges.  Imagine the fraud that would exist if people could purchase formula with WIC vouchers and then return it to the store.

    Besides, if you are caught doing it, the store may be obligated to report you to the authorities at WIC, and they may discontinue your benefits.

    ETA:  Just because your particular state may allow Enfamil through its WIC program does not mean that all states do.  What they usually do is contract with one company or another to be the exclusive provider of formula to WIC recipients in that state.

    I used to be a pharmaceutical representative in pediatrics, and one of my counterparts was the Ross Laboratories rep who handled Similac.  WIC contracts were a frequent subject of discussion.  And I can tell you for a fact that most states have law that prohibit the return of WIC-approved brands of formula without a receipt.

  17. I dont know but it wouldnt hurt to try if i were gonna exchange it i would take it to walmart if they had the same thing walmart almost never has a problem exchanging or returning things and you dont get a receipt for wic so it wouldnt hurt to try.

  18. i would think it can

  19. Most stores will not let you take back formula for safety reasons, I have tried it trust me.  although you can find some stores that will.  You can't take them back with your WIC receipt because they will not let you exchange it with that.  If it doesn't work try trading it online like on craigslist.  If you cant trade enough of them, try calling 2-1-1 from a land line for community referrals for formula and other things if needed.

  20. Not sure about in america but in australia we didnt often take baby products back because u have to dispose of any that have left the store. not to mention u dnt hav a receipt and its not even the same store so i dnt like ur chances.

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