
Do you think this year connecticut will be having hurricanes?

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  1. Even though it's predicted more storms than normal this year, I think Connecticut (and the Atlantic coast...problems maybe for the Gulf) will be relatively safe. There have been fast westerly winds at the latitude around Connecticut and farther south so far in late spring/early this summer. It's why there's been so many strong thunderstorm events across the eastern part of the country this late in the spring/early summer far to the south when these kinds of storms are usually up in the Chicago area and upper Mississippi valley in June. What this kind of setup does is it tends to curve hurricanes out to sea. The shape of the coastline under this scenario makes it very unlikely in my humble opinion because if the storms are racing to the northeast, they will run parallel to the east coast and not directly towards the coast.

    Now, it's not to say that the set up can't change and it often does in the middle of summer, like in later July. If strong "ridging" (kind of like high pressure, but high up in the atmosphere ~20000 feet) starts setting up farther north and out to sea like near Bermuda where it normally would be, then I think it will increase the danger to the northeast. I just looked at the weather models and even now, this set up is way farther south than normal for the next 2 weeks. It needs to migrate farther north, and it's way behind schedule to do so.

    I think this year will see a lot of hurricanes in the open Atlantic that will shoot off to the northeast, away from the U.S. eastern seaboard. Also I think storms could form in the western Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. I think the most likely place to see a landfall in the U.S. with storms forming there this year is the eastern gulf from Mobile, AL to Panama City, to Fort Myers, FL to Key West, FL with this kind of set up. Also it's possible that south Texas could be in more danger than usual.  Other than that I think most landfalling tropical cyclones will be in central America this year.

  2. it's possibble. but you don't really know. i'd prepare just incase.

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