
Do you think time traveling is possible ??

by Guest33681  |  earlier

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Hi ..

Do you think time traveling is possible ??

( If you think this is geekish .. please don't tire yourself and read this thread .. and by the way .. three quarters of the inventions get invented by imagination )

I think .. if ever would be able to reverse time .. we wouldn't be able to change anything .. and we would be invisible and in sensible ..

You see .. if in the future people could reverse time .. we would see them wouldn't we ??

But as I assumed .. it would be possible ..

and I don't think that human would ever be able to forward time .. because that would prevent death .. which is impossible ..

Ha ?? what do YOU think :)




  1. I personally don't think so, because I think time is a concept, not a constant. It's not like I can just fly to a place like Europe, because Europe is always there. In contrast, 1:45pm is gone by 1:46 pm. I don't think that our lives are like a movie reel - where even if you have a way to put in on reverse to a certain moment, you can relive it again. I think those moment are gone. Of course I could be wrong. People used to dream of flying across continents and talking to other people across great distance with tiny devices that aren't connected to any cables or anything. Maybe one day they'll find that time is a continuum, like the aliens in "Slaughter House Five". What the h**l do I know?

  2. It depends on what you mean by 'travel'.  We already know how a person can leap to the future (at least from his own perspective).  Leave the Earth at 90% the speed of light and return in 10 years.  When you return, 100 years would have passed on earth.  "Time" for the traveler in motion slows down so that the speed of light from his perspective remains constant.

    Now we do not know how a person may leap back.  But there are some clues.  We may not be able to physically revisit the past, but we may be able to reconstruct it.   If you buy into the thought that each moment in time is mearly a specific quantum state of all matter and energy, then all one needs to do is establish a quatum slice of some former (or future) state and observe.   Think "super modeling".  We predict the weather with 'models' that tell us what will happen to a given system of weather from measurements of the system and the factors (inputs) influencing it.   Now imagine a vast computer capable of storing the state of everything, and a precise algorithm for what the next state must be or the previous state must have been.  In theory, the entire universe could be modeled.  We could then access any time or place and run our virtual universe forward and backward.    But even this does not resolve the time travel paradox.  If we can see our future with such precision, obviously we could change it - but changing it means that is the future that was meant to be, so how could we ever see a future that we would want to change?

  3. i dont think so but Einstein prooved that if u travel in the opposite direction of earth's rotation with more than the velocity of light then u can go back in past

  4. Your explanation is illogic.

    The major difficulty is with the definition of time - the questions of time are very difficult - and goes back to the huge argument between Newton and Leibnitz (I think - and to the Greeks too of course) if time is just the amount of movement, that is, it is not a "thing" or, like Newton though, time is actually something that exists in itself (he thought his equations prove this). This is very hard to explain, you should read about it.

    And the short answer is - I don't know and no one does.

  5. Not a chance, not now, not ever.

  6. i think it is possible.......scientist have discovered something called a wormhole.....which allows u to take a shortcut through space. its like folding a paper to get from one end to the other without having to travel all the way across it. so if u can do that with space, and as einstein proved that space and time are one variable, or spacetime, then why wouldnt it be possible to do it with time?

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