
Do you think toilets are nasty?

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Don't you think going to the bathroom would be a lot less nasty if people went outside, or something?




  1. I hate public toilets!

    they are sooo gross. you never know what kind of stuff is on those toilet seats... so many germs and stuff basically, from other strangers rear

    i dnt think this way when i am at home because i know that everyone in my family keeps the toilet clean...

    guys in my family wipe the seat and stuff and we use different cleaners containing bleach and cleansers like that... interesting question.

    it would be a heck of a lot better if ppl went outside

  2. Toilets are only nasty if we don't clean them, be good to your toilet and it will be good to you. Oh yeah and I wouldn't want to go outside every time I wanted to use the toilet, inside bathrooms please..

  3. Well,it isn't my favourite room in the house but,kept clean,it isn't so nasty either.

  4. Modern sanitation is why we have the internet.

    Indoor plumbing is one of the greatest achievements of humankind.


    It is.

  5. toilets are necessary

  6. I think PUBLIC toilets are gross. Not the one in my house because I know its clean.

  7. Toilet seats are the cleanest place in your house. and i prefer going outside, cant miss!

  8. Uh i'd rather take the time putting paper on the seat than stepping in someone's du du.

  9. toilets make lovely flower potts.

    Doing number one or two is what is nasty no matter where you do it.

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