
Do you think too much confidence in yourself is detrimental? Where do you draw the line?

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Do you think too much confidence in yourself is detrimental? Where do you draw the line?




  1. YES !!!!!

    Some things I do well because they are learned over time !

    Pretty simple really.

    Things of God are new to me and because of my inexperience, I am having to completely rely on God !

    I don't know if I actually can draw a line anymore !

    I just know I need Him all the time !

  2. Isn't that sorta the think that Moses got in trouble with that kept him out of the promised land?

    I think all our confidence is in what the Lord can do through us. I place confidence in him and listen to what He tells me to do.

  3. absolutely, i personally hate people that are overconfident especially when these same people consider themselves "better" than everybody else

  4. My best guess would have to be, To have as much confidence as Jesus would portray.  Since I claim to be a Christian, I think it's important to attemt to live a Christ did and be as brave and fearless and confident as HE would expect us to!  I have no fear of life anymore since God made me anew, and wherever and whatever HE wants for me and of me is all I care to do!  Amen!

  5. always be that way and if you make a mistake that's only human, great self esteem.

  6. Yes, but only if it starts to turn into arrogance (i.e. i am amazing, i am so amazing i am better than anyone else here...) draw the line if you start alienating people. its great to believe in yourself and your possibilities but its not fun to think your great and be the only one who thinks so!

    Also, try and keep things in perspective. I find its those with the really high beliefs in themselves that fall the hardest when having to deal with failure and can be prone to depression- i'm talking from experience with some of my always high achieveing friends here. Plan to suceed but also have a contigency plan for failing...

  7. When your confidence is absolute. I don't like much of what I've read about Andre Gide, but he was a thinking person. I very much enjoy this quote of his;

    "Believe those who seek truth; doubt those who find it."

    When your confidence becomes such that you just absolutely KNOW something and need to question it no further, then you're in danger!

  8. This can be looked at in 2 main ways. (Obviously people have different opinions in which case, you can look at it in many ways).

    -Yes too much confidence can have a damaging effect on yourself and the people around you. The society we live in today is very judge-mental whether we try and avoid it or not, we cannot help our subconscious mind and so all are judgmental, this means that if we came across as very confident, people could see you as stuck up, snooty, "above other people" when in fact you could be a really lovely person to be associated with.  Another way is can be damaging is if you are too confident, you could be prone to getting knocked back easily, and not being able to recover.  If you are so confident you may believe you are able to do everything and literally "conquer the world" when in reality, people do get knocked back and may not always reach goals they are pursuing.

    -No, too much confidence is not damaging as a lot of confidence may be necessary in what you do, for example a job in politics. A member of parliament can't be shy and sit back in their green chair and hide from the discussion in hand. They need to be up front in order to win their case and what they believe.

    I think it depends upon what the discussion is about. For example, "Is too much confidence damaging to oneself?" is a completely different question to "Is too much confidence damaging to the way people view you?" and so on.

    I hope this has helped slightly! =]

  9. There is a big different in being confidant and being narcissistic. I think when you become narcissitic you've gone too a far.  A truly confidant person isn't afraid to expose their weaknesses/make funof themselves sometime to help others...a narcissitic person would never do that.

  10. One should not have too much confidence in oneself.

    One must depend on God.  

    It is those times that I have been most confident....that I failed

    Yes, I can do all things, but, only through Him (GOD) that strengthens  me.

  11. Yes.  Draw the line at Reality.

  12. Yes, when you go as far as to know too much without questioning is beyond reason.  That is, if you are so confidant in your information as to never question it or study it further then you are lost in you own confidence or ignorance.  Drawing the line is harder than a person thinks.  No matter how much confidence a person has, that person must always remember that no one is perfect and can and will make mistakes.  So it would stand to reason that a person can always improve, but only if that person does not close their mind because they have too much confidence.

  13. When you have confidence in yourself and you don't feel the need to say "I'm so beautiful and amazing" for people to know it.

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