Do you think too much emphasis is put on weight gain during pregnancy I just read an interesting article that says in Europe women are only weighed @ the start & finish of their pregnancy
I also read another article that states In general, women who restrict their calories during pregnancy tend to be more affluent and educated, according to a study by the American Dietetic Association. They are also more anxious, stressed and "less uplifted about their pregnancies."
Obesity is highest in America even with all the pressure put on diets & weight etc.
I was very fit before becoming preg & ate very well (I still do eat pretty well & keep active) But im entering my third trimester & all this pressure being put on weight is driving me crazy!!! Esp since I know thats when the pounds start to come on more quickly ( I have 12-14 weeks left)
What were your experiences pre, post, & during preg with weight, being comfortable with it or not etc? Thanks