
Do you think top "reporters" should have to wear a badge?

by Guest59666  |  earlier

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and have a link to the questions they have reported whether or not the content was removed? It seems in the politics section people do not understand that answerers have different point of views. Difference in opinions is no reason to report someone. If that were the case I'd have no time to ever answer questions. It is funny out of the few violations I have had they are all in the politics section, never anywhere else. Also I have gotten all but 1 reversed. I think if someone wrongly reports someone, they should get 20 points removed, and a badge of shame. Do you think that ppl wrongly accuse others of violations as way of revenge on different point of views?




  1. Well you have a few questions in there.

    But yes, the report feature is absoluately abused to try and 'get back' at people you disagree with.

    However, all reports are reviewed and your standing as a 'reporter' is at risk every time you click the button.  Habitual reporters are very likely to be ignored, but I do like the idea of making avaialble what questions people have reported.  Star for you.

  2. Unfortunately there are "report" abusers. Do I believe they need to be identified publicly? No. I would like to see that done internal to Yahoo - not so that all of the answering parties here can add additional slamming and shaming. This forum is not about shaming, it is about the sharing of idea and information - I would rather keep this forum as close to pure as it can be. There are historical records of public shaming that resulted in a very negative impact. I say ignore the abusers, and let yahoo review the repeat offenders and penalize them through suspended accounts, or reduced point status etc.

    I do applaud you for the effort it must have taken to clear yourself. Do be sure that you attack the idea and not the person you have differences with. Debating the ideas you oppose will keep you sharp. Once a person reduces themselves to name calling they have lost the argument and any real credibility.

  3. [It seems in the politics section people do not understand that answerers have different point of views.]

    No, they do understand, they just have no tolerance for it.

  4. I'm reporting you.

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