
Do you think umpires should be punished for poor decisions?

by  |  earlier

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One wrong decsision a yellow card and one match ban.

Two - red card and 5 match ban.

Three - 10 match ban and a free eye test.




  1. Yes

  2. Red Card means he leaves the field, and who will be the umpire for the rest of the game. And there is a limited number of umpires in the elite panel.

    I don't think, umpiring decisions can always be right. Sometimes they get it wrong. Only thing is, it should not be biased. You get some in your favour, you get something against you. It's all square.

    In olden day, when there were no TV replays, there was no controversy regarding umpiring. Now you have TV replays, and you need 10 replays of a shot to say 'Hey, that was a wrong decision' and what the umpire gets is a split second, and only one look. In a flash, it's past. and still he has to make a decision.

    If it is recklessly poor for a string of matches , then he has to be removed from the elite panel. Make him stand for some Domestic matches & improve his standards and if he comes out a better umpire than what he was, he should be reinstated into elite panel.

  3. lol...that would be too harsh on them!!!

    The umpires can be excused for minor errors but still if they make more than 2 blunders in a match they must lose points..say 5 points per error and if an umpire has lost more than 50 in one season, then he must be handed some series ban.

  4. If Players can get Punishment for arguing with Umpire Why Umpires Should Not get. If we Started Treating Umpires Like God Then We Have To say Goodbye to Our Loved Game.

  5. no

  6. Mate this will put umpires to acid test and under pressure more mistakes will be committed but I agree with the free eye check for most of the umpires and for Steve Bucknor weekly.

  7. A spanking will do.

    Good question.Very few funny questions here,this is one of the rare gems.

  8. no i hate it.

    they r too humansonly not super human.

    they never judge wrongly becas they want to do.

    it just happens.........if they go on putting rules like this..then in future no. of peopl who opt umpire profession may get reduce...then wat they will do;...

  9. Of course! They should be fined By the ICC .1% SHOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR EVERY MISTAKE.

  10. to some extend....

  11. Umpires can also make mistakes, I agree that sometimes wrong decisions really affect the game but this card system will put even more pressure on the umpire. The best thing to do is to let the players challenge umpire's decision

  12. No, not directly but the performance of an umpire should be taken into consideration when assigning him the next assignment for sure. In case of any impropriety by the umpire though should be dealt with severe punishment to the extent ban for life in my opinion.

  13. Why not the players too?

  14. Umpires are human beings and humans do make mistakes! But there certainly should be punishment for umpires like Steve Bucknor....and there should also be a "right to appeal against umpire's decision", to lessen the umpiring blunders!

  15. yes it is,.. for certain extend,.. and

    better solution would be,..

    to give most inquiries for third umpire,..~

    for ,..Mistake No.3  - 10 match ban and a free eye test.

    ha ha lol~

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