
Do you think union is good for the country?

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Is union one of the main reasons why companies are moving offshore?




  1. since the begining of the industrial age , capitalist piggies have wanted to keep the whole pie . only through unions have they been forced to share a small piece with the workers . the big corpoations ONLY care about THIS quarter's profits . ross perot was right . with NAFTA clinton saved the corps a few pennies by moving jobs to mexico . the Rs expanded the idea with GATT , WTO , etc . bush  awarded the commies of china Most Favored Nation Traing status . this was the death of american manufacturing . mc cain thinks $2 million a year is middle class . i must be a poverty sticken coolie surf peasant peon .you too .vote nader .

  2. some what yes.but they were necessary for a fair wage.although i feel now when you are paying a auto worker 90 dollars a hour to turn a s***w sitting down is a bit ridiculous.they still serve a purpose in setting state wages.i have worked union and non union scale rate.on any state job now it is a set pay rate thanks to in some cases yes and others no purpose at all.

  3. ok, you're talking about labor unions, so yes they are (for the most part) good. Through collective bargaining, workers have achieved at least some form of wage protection, work rules and medical/retirement benefits--all good for the worker (or union member). The downside is, the workplace often becomes adversarial and oftentimes there is ownership/management problems, sometimes workers' benefits are negotiated away and job security has suffered. So, safe to say, there are good points and bad points to having unions, but overall, they are usually better for the workers than not having one. It boils down to how well ownership values it's work force and sadly, many companies do not care much, especially in today's climate of higher unemployment and weakening pay. And yes, many companies are moving their business to countries where labor is much cheaper than in america, the taxes are lower and the environmental rules are more lax.

  4. Well I have a brother that is union, he sits on his butt all day and makes 30 dollars an hour and it would take an act of Congress to get him fired because he is union. We all know there are some teachers out there that shouldn't be teachers but don't think for a minute you could get any of them ousted, they are union. Democrats are union 100%. I was a member of the United Auto Workers and the International Machinists Union and I have witnessed the abuse that takes place in companies that have unions and I have seen companies try to remedy problems with some union workers and I have seen them fail. When an employee sleeps 6 hours of an 8 hour shift and he can not be fired or even reprimanded there is a probem.

  5. Unions are certainly part of the problem.  High taxes and government deficit spending are also a major reason to move offshore or outsource jobs.

  6. I truly believe that both business and labor would sell this country out for the last dollar here. The "working man" and the "fat cat" both put themselves first, before this country. I'm talking mainly of the top people in each group.

  7. They were at first with minimum wage and safety requirements, but then they started getting crooked and greedy.

  8. Keep in mind, you would not have what you have today if it were not for the unions of the past. They just grew to the point of becoming big businesses like the companies they were formed to fight.

    This may be laughable now but almost every thing Ross Perot said would happen if Nafta passed has happened. As a refresher here are the links to the entire debate.

    Ross perot would not have been a effective president because he was used to calling the shots, In government this is done in congress.

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 1 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 2 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 3 of 8

    Al Gore is saying NAFTA will create jobs in the US and under NAFTA Mexico will stop Polluting and because of this increase in lifestyle in Mexico the illegal immigrants will stop

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 4 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 5 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 6 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 7 of 8

    NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993, Part 8 of 8


  9. Unions are fine. Just collective bargaining with an employer to get a contract. Every big wig has a contract with the employer so why not the workers too.

  10. Unions are a horrible thing for this nation. They have driven many companies out of business or out of the country. They force unfair wages, unfair worker 'benefits.' Unions need to be disbanded. Let the free hand of the market decide worker wages and benefits.

  11. if we woukd buy thing madeed here we could stop that

  12. They certainly haven't made it easier to stay here, but I think corporate taxes has more to do with companies leaving.

    To answer your main question: Not anymore. They were very good at one time, and the threat of them is still a good thing for the workers of today, but they have by and large become simply corrupt government organizations.

    One thing you can bank on: Making unions more accountable to and transparent for the workers they "protect" will _not_ be part of any Change We Can Believe In.

  13. its good for the worker, bad for management and ownership of a company; If a company cannot compete in the world market, then it moves offshore or goes out of business. that is bad for the country.

  14. They contribute to higher domestic costs, but the bigger factors include higher corporate taxes in the U.S. and the weakened dollar. NAFTA and giving China most favored nation status are the legacies of the Clinton economic model.

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