
Do you think ussain bolt is a jerk?

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If I was a sprinter (i mean i was) and saw someone holding their hands out and pounding their chest before finishing the race I would think this guy is a real jerk. It shows no respect or self control among his peers. I am sure in five years they will announce he is on a new performance drug that can not be detected now just like all the other record holders.




  1. Well, I can excuse his actions, considering he is young and it was his first time being in something as big as the Olympics. Considering all of those and his outstanding performance, I'm guessing he was simply caught in the moment. I don't think he intentionally meant any disrespect by his actions.

  2. You guys might see him as cocky, I just think he was so happy. We are known as a country with fast sprinters, but we hardly ever get gold in the olympics.

    Why do we have to question his confidence, why cant we just celebrate this great victory for another country. I have seen many athletes (including americans) throw up there hands like that before they cross the finish line. Its only a big deal because he is not from your country.

    Watch the olympics keenly you will see other athletes do it too. I won't mention any name, because it is not important. I am just happy for them.

    Lets just celebrate Jamaica's gold, even if you are not Jamaican. I am sure you can appreciate it.

    By the way its Usain not Ussain.

  3. definitely cocky, definitely not on drugs and definitely the best sprinter the world has ever seen

  4. He really deserved to have beaten his chest and do anything else he wanted to. come on the man just won the 100m olympic finals and broke his own world record he also destroyed the field. he worked hard all the years of training paid off. I love his confidence that is why he keeps winning.

  5. I am proud to be a Caribbean American. Bolt has every right to slap his chest. I distinctly remember Flo Jo Raising her hands in Victory before she won her races back in 1984. Of course no one accused her of being cocky. She was American right? Could Bolt have been more cocky than Carl Lewis taking only one jump of the required three because he was sure that no one could beat him? And by the way Carl created the chest beating.

    Please, why can't America be gracious and just congratulate the winner. Oh yes I forgot, Caribbean people are inferior. Tsk tsk, I thought that kind of thinking died with Hitler and his Aryans. The point is that the Caribbean has won first and second place for the first time since 1976. Do not spoil our moment please, America has won many times before. Get over it. Better luck next time.

    Are you angry that the "Third World" beat the "First World"? In any case we can't afford the expensive drugs like Marion Jones and Ben Johnson. So I doubt that Bolt will ever go to jail.

    You mentioned that you were a sprinter. Practice instead of being jealous.

  6. he is not cocky he is just having fun he has no competition just let him have his moment you really dont think he worked his behind off to get there in the first place

  7. Dont get me wrong... im 14, im a sprinter, and i understand why you would think he is a jerk but cmon its the olympics and he just killed the world record and to accuse him of drugs is just unfair

  8. Yes he is cocky. But your just jealous that he beat the c*rp out of Tyson. Jamaicans are exceptional athletes who are blessed with GOD-given talent. So stop the hating and appreciate!

  9. ur just jealous it bun u seh him win dont it that pat on the chest was for people like u to show u tht the reign of the american druggists were over and jamicans are finally give the change to take wat was rightfully theirs olympics gold

  10. My belief is that modesty is a very admirable trait.  However, I don't expect everyone to have it.  

    Bolt is an exceptional athlete, and trains hard.  To accuse him of drug use is unfair, and uncalled for.


  11. No he is not, he is the greatest sprinter ever, don't be a d**k now

  12. hes way too cocky..

  13. If you watch footage of American sprinters who have won events, (such as Gatlin and Crawford in their previous outings), you will see that they are even more "cocky" than little Usain appears to be. I mean come on, the dude is 21, he is just celebrating and I am sure he didn't mean anything by it. If an American had won, we would not be having this argument. Let him have his glory, like the USA and other countries have had over the years. You people need to get over it.  

  14. He shattered Donvan Bailey's record well slapping his chest and holding out his hands with ease. I don't think hes a jerk, he was just so excited.

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