
Do you think vegetarians should be allowed to eat eggs?

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Do you think vegetarians should be allowed to eat eggs?




  1. Yes. I mean, I'm a vegetarian who eats eggs. I don't eat dead animals and eggs are not dead animals.

    Edit : Hey drew you have a point. I should've said I dont eat animals at all.

  2. hiya my mum is a vegetairien and she hates eggs and so do i dont know but hey goodluck

  3. Vegetarians should only be allowed to eat FREE RANGE eggs.

  4. Depends on what type of vegetarian they are as to whether they eat for being "allowed" is a whole other issue!

    The general categories of vegetarianism are:

    lacto-ovo vegetarian- no meat, fish etc, but still takes eggs and dairy

    lacto vegetarian- no meat or fish, no eggs but eats dairy

    vegan- no meat or fish, no eggs, no dairy (can even be as strict as no honey)

    (i dont really consider pescotarians to be vegetarian)

    Personally I'm a lacto vegetarian based loosely on my upbringing...based on eggs coming from an animal cell. But ...being a woman...I dont like eating eggs...if you get what I mean! So I don't  know if I don't eat eggs because I'm vegetarian or just because I dont like them!

  5. thunder do you eat live animals???

    anyways its not meat yet... so its like eating a apple while its still a flower.

    i like to think of it as pre-meat its not anywhere near ripe so its not really meat.

  6. I am Lacto-vegeterian...

    You can eat eggs and still be vegeterian...

    Vegans should not eat eggs... They r strict, but vegeterians not... vegeterian food is more healthy than vegan... But I dont eat eggs cuz of the Cholestrerol, even trought Im still young, that kinds bothering me :)

    Bloeed vesels and atherosclerosis...That kind of stufs...

    The answer is: If you like eggs, why not?

  7. allowed?  A vegetarian, according to the vegetarian society can choose or choose not to include eggs and dairy.  It's a personal choice.  There is no vegetarian police.  As long as you are not consuming animal flesh or slaughter by are fine.

  8. Who is this all encompassing vegetarian authority from whom they have to get permission to be allowed to eat eggs?

    People who are obsessed with labels to be "cool" have no idea what they are talking about but are simply mouthing off what they hear.

  9. I say it is a matter of personal choice and your reason for being vegetarian in the first place. If you chose this lifestyle as a matter of conscience then you should stay away from eggs. If on the other hand it is for dietary preferences then by all means "get cracking". If you are vegetarian because of factory farming then again leave the eggs alone.

  10. I imagine most vegetarians eat eggs and other dairy products.  

    It's vegans who choose not to eat any sort of dairy products or meat. They don't use clothing that has any association with animals either. Or make-up and make-up applicators. Etc.The vegan lifestyle is a little stricter, but it isn't about being allowed or disallowed to eat certain things, it's a personal/lifestyle choice.

  11. I don't think they should because an egg would have become a living creature...

    I don't think vegetarians should eat/drink dairy either because all milk products contain cow blood and pus. Also, by buying dairy, one would be suppoting the veal industry whom slaughters animals so you might aswell eat meat in that case!

  12. Allowed? It's not a felony, and there is no one to come along and cut of your brass buttons if you do.

    What counts is not what "I" think but what you think.

  13. People should be allowed to eat what they want. I just wish America wasn't obsessed with meat.

  14. I think that they should eat whatever they want.

  15. "ALLOWED???????"          it DEPENDS on what their reasons are for being vegetarians..........if you are trying to say that an EGG is really a CHICKEN and if they do not believe in eating MEAT ...........then  they shouldn't be eating Eggs either.................Well it is a GOOD POINT but then again you have to ask............Why are they against eating if for nutritional reasons or MORAL reasons about whether humans should be eating ANIMALS..........which is what I think you mean RIGHT?

    IS it Hypocritical to eat EGGS if you feel it is WRONG to eat animals............?...................Y... i would say you have a point there.

  16. You're not "allowed" or "disallowed" to eat things; you can eat whatever you d**n well please. Eggs are considered suitable for vegetarians, so I'm not sure what the point of this question is.

  17. Why not? It is up to each individual what they choose to have in their diet. Some vegetarians are very strict, others not so much. I think why not let them eat eggs.

  18. Well, there are a bunch of different vegetarians. Some who eat everything but red meat, some who eat fish, some who eat eggs, some who drink milk... the most common is Lacto-Ovo, who can still drink milk and eat eggs.

    Personally, I think you can eat whatever you want. If you're a vegetarian, that's great! But you can still eat eggs :).

  19. Vegetarians are aloud to eat eggs, along with dairy products too. It depends one what kind of a vegetarian you are. I believe a vegetarian that eats dairy products (but I eat vegetarian had to do with how the cheese is made) and dairy products along with eggs is call a Lacto-ovo-vegetarian...I thought I read that on a vegetarian website...I've been to so many I have no idea which one lol. There's my point though that there are somewhat alternitives to eating eggs and dairy the vegetarian cheese I was talking just have to do some research on it. A vegan might I add, will have absolutley nothing to do with animals...but I have my guess you may have already known that. Hope I helped :)

  20. Yes they can be 'allowed' whatever they wish. I wish vegetarians would get over being so stuck up with what they eat that they feel the need to tell other veggies what to eat as if it's a religion or something. I'm vegetarian, but I take fish oil supplements, and if a vegetarian has a problem with that...too bad, I pay for the supplements. =]

  21. I tried but i failed.

    My doctor said i'm allergy to "CRUELTY".

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