
Do you think voleyball players are good athletes????

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My best friend is a volleyball player and she is so good at it!! But the only thing is that it doesnt look that hard??? I mean i think all it is good for is keeping her in shape, trust me, she has a body like everybody dreams of having!!!




  1. The only way to find out is to try it yourself.. it does take some coordination and some athletic ability. It isn't as easy as it looks to be GOOD...

  2. yes, it is really not that easy, if she is a spiker or a setter then it can get REALLY tiring. my sister has played it for 2 years.

  3. volleyball is a very tiring sport so u have to be physically fit for it.  you have to dive, get up, jump and hit , jump and block, chase balls down, get under a ball for the set and a crapload more

    so you should be fit for it

  4. yea, we are athletes!

    some people might think its easy because there isnt alot of running, but if you make one little mistake, a whole lot can go wrong, so it's very mentally demanding and you need to constantly be focusing on the game

  5. The best kind of athletes. We have to do so much staying low that our leg muscles are unbelievable. You have to lift weights & condition. You have to have endurance like you wouldn't believe. Us volleyball players are crazy strong. And tough because you are pretty likely to get a nasty floor burn from time to time. Strong arms  as well. Also you have to be mentally in shape as well as physically.

  6. yes

  7. actually volleyball players are very good athletes volleyball may look like an easy sport but it does require a lot of skill and physical ability many people who say it looks easy end up sucking really bad it.

  8. Meh, Having played many sports through my life it was tough but there are more difficult.

    The posts i've seen note leg stregnth and jumping... Power lifters and meat heads jump higher...

    Versatility and quickness... basketball players are faster

    Reaction... a soccer goalie is much more athletic

    Stamina/endurance.... hockey is much more so and requires an ability to play with someone else hitting you..

    Honestly, I always put on weight during volleyball season because I was never forced to work as hard to stay in shape as I was in Hockey and Soccer. I've made it to the college/national ranks for men and am athletic but the sport does not mean athleticism

    If you look at any sport though some of the best athletes in every sport aren't necessarily athletic and can't translate the skill in that sport into other sports but my tiredness is making me ramble.

  9. yeahh shes good soo what

    be there with her

    play with her

    im good

    and its not easy

    yeahh u get to wear spandex and if u have a good body show it

    i mean everybody says i have the best body ever and i can get anyguy

    volleyball is complicated and hard becasue of alot of reasons

    ask your freind its HARD!! BUT VERY! FUNN!!!!!

  10. of course

  11. Athletes will differ from different sports. I say Volleyball players are good athletes but dont say that for anyone. If you have the training and the heart for your sport you will be a good athlete(at that sport) I play softball and volleyball but there are girls on my team(SELECT) that shouldnt be(**Volleyball Mainly). So it depends on the team, the coaches,the girl, the heart(how hard you try), the training and the goodness.

  12. i would consider us volleyball players good athletes because we work on everything.

    we have to work out our arms, triceps, shoulders, mid section, our legs, thighs, cabs, etc.

    almost every muscle in your body.

    as my volleyball coach told my team, he said that he has tried almost every sport he could think of. soccer, football, tennis, golf, track, and swimming, but he has never been worked out as hard as when he began to play volleyball.

    it is both a mental and physical sport..

    i love the sport..

    and just to prove it if you ask someone to play volleyball for a week i bet they would be sore like never before, and also they might really suck too.. being good volleyball player is hard..

    oh yeah and what you said about your friend having like a dream body, that shows how hard it is.

    i mean what girl doesn't want a beautiful body, and when they do try do they actually get it?? probably not.. so this proves just how hard volleyball is..

  13. oh course i do!

    of course it is.

    people don't know how hard it is to just throw your self on the ground then get up && act like you okay so that you wont have to get a sub

    volleyball is my passion and i would kill to play for UT

  14. YEA, it is hard. Play at a compettive level really hard

  15. well h**l yeah! i play volleyball and oh man i like work up a sweat and i got like a good body and it builds lots of muscle

  16. You can't generalize like that about any sport. I like volleyball a lot, and I have seen some very athletic players, but I've also seen some not so athletic players.

    For girls, some of the top athletes are likely to be volleyball players, but for guys, a lot of other sports steal the good athletes.

    When guys grow up watching football, baseball, and basketball on tv, it makes them more likely to want to play those sports.

    However, I would argue that the top level volleyball players are more athletic than the top level basketball players. I read somewhere that the olympic volleyball team has higher verticals than the olympic basketball team.

  17. Yes.  

    Have you every tried to play?  When I say "play", i mean competitively?  Not just friends get together and hack around.  

    Hitting a volleyball correctly is one of the hardest athletic skills to have to hit a moving target that is going perpendicular to you, while jumping, with an obstacle in your way (the net) and somebody trying to stop you (blocker) and keep it in a 30 x 30 box.  Try doing that with some power on the hit.  Not easy.

  18. No! They are exceptional athletes the versitility they have is unbelievable! Jumping running diving one point could literally go on for 3-5 minutes and in a game to 25 or 30 (depending on the level of play) it can be very strenious mentally and physically

  19. ok so while volleyball games prob dont look hard...

    we sweat just has much if not more than other people during practice.

    we just work out different things than say soccer, or basketball

    cuz while they are prob really good at sprinting

    we have more stamina

    cuz think about it

    if your backrow you are constinatly having to dive and get back up which works your arms and legs

    and hitter have to jump a ton in a roww which wears your legs out fastttt.

    so yes volleyball players are great athletes

    because of vball i am alot faster than all of my friends even ones that play soccer and run track!

  20. Sure, they are!

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