
Do you think wales has a chance to win the next wourld cup?

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Do you think wales has a chance to win the next wourld cup?




  1. Yes.

    A slim chance.

    But a chance none the less.

  2. At the moment with squad that we have, we do have a good chance of progressing further than we have in the past!

    As long as we keep injury free and grow stronger, we have a good chance of getting to semi's, but to win the cup, that is a bit too optimistic,  at the moment I see NZ taking it!

    At least there is a brighter light at the end of the tunnel for Wales if things progress as they are!

  3. If they can get there with their first XV uninjured, they could perhaps make it to the semi-final... (all they have to do is beat either SA or England in the quarters - quite do-able on present form) but difficult to see them getting beyond that. The forwards may be mobile, but they still lack the necessary 'umph', and that still counts for a lot, I'm afraid.

  4. Question!

    Do you think that Wales will actually qualify for the next World Cup Finals?


    Bob Hope and no hope


  5. definatly maybe !!

    Have more of a chance than England ... but then so does everyone else !! hehe  couldnt resist that !!

  6. If you had asked "World" Cup, then we'd all know you were talking about rugby. But "Wourld" Cup??? Is that the tiddlywinks competition or something? What are Wales supposed to be good at?

  7. Afraid not!! It would be a big ask for them!! C'mon Ireland! Isn't it great seein england gettin stuffed!!

  8. possibly

    the way they're playing at the moment,it could happen.

    they switch off sometimes and allow 'easy' trys but then other times they are magic and can play as well as any team.


    I'm welsh by the way hahahaha

  9. no buddy

    you will play some flowing rugby in patches but nothing more sorry

  10. Definately not, because they couldn't beat Daniel Hyman, their loose-head prop on thier own let alone the entire All Black Line-up, but knowing the them they'll possibly s***w up. However, having said that, they have a better chance of winning than England who are a load of s**t.

    P.S. I do support England, I am merely stating a fact.

  11. Wales will not even get to the semi finals

  12. Nope, but keep dreaming!

  13. yes of course, as long as we beat the big teams such as new zealand and south Africa that's if we play them. how we play next week against the all blacks would give us a good idea how well we could do in the world cup. i think we can do it.

  14. only in marbles

  15. No, they may be able to pull one shock win out of the bag, but not enough to qualify and win for the final. Look at other teams that have dealt upset wins - namely France. They haven't been able to repeat that performance in a final...

  16. No.

  17. if they did we would never hear the end of it i remember the last time they had a great side jpr, jjw, ge etc

  18. no way never ever gaud blimey what ya thinking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. wales?? wales cant do anything! they only swim in water duuh

  20. anything is possible... but doubt the next world cup though, NZ is going crazy at this time....

  21. good but one team to beat

  22. If you mean rugby - no chance

    If you mean football - be serious they haven't qualified for 50 years

    If you mean cricket - no (all the best Welshmen play for England)

    If you mean any other sport - don't know

  23. No, unfortunately NZ winning it is a fore gone conclusion

  24. Every team has a chance to win so you cant write anybody off. But ill say some teams are more talented than others. and wales well they dont have the cream of the crop

  25. no. would be cool though

  26. nope! after going limp to the Islanders,I'll say "otherwise". a draw with Australia was an outback game plan.

    Wales need to win games more.

  27. I think they have a slim chance...who really knows? They seem to have picked up in the last year or so (well, that's from the games I've managed to watch anyway)...winning the cup?? Maybe not...but getting d**n close...possibly.

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