
Do you think wanting multiples is crazy???

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We've been together since late 2004 married a year. Been trying to 2 -2 1/2 years to get pregnant. Were on Clomid and he's about to deploy beginning of next year.




  1. no every body wants differnt for me it would be crazy as this one was a suprise lol i'm good with one

  2. I would say go for it! My husband and I have had a miscarriage, so wanting multiples would be fine for me too! If you feel that you could handle it, go for it! Congratulations, and good luck! I wish you both the best!

  3. At this point in my life I would be great with twins! I am very sick while pregnant and would love the "two for one" deal. Also that way when they go to school no little one is left alone bored..hahaha No really I want 4 kids, I have 2 now, pregnant with #3.  I'm not sure I wanna barf my guts out again for a 4th..lets see how this one

  4. no i actually want twins but im blessed to have 1 b/c some doctors told me i wouldnt be able to have kids b/c i was lacking alot of essential vitamins and my uterus was tilted plus it was hard for me to keep weight on me

  5. Wanting multiples isn't crazy.  In fact it'll be nice for you to have your kids at once so you can get the really brutal stuff over at the same time (you know, diapering, midnight feedings, and terrible twos stuff).  It may be alot of work, but I am sure that if you want babies bad enough it will be well worth it...good luck!

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