
Do you think water and cranberry juice will clean ur system of marijuana? yes or no?what other things can u do

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Do you think water and cranberry juice will clean ur system of marijuana? yes or no?what other things can u do




  1. take niacin not so sure about the juice, just the pills. or try to sweat it out.

  2. Wait at least 30 days.

  3. drink a pouch of certo fruit pectin (really gloppy) small pouch,(found in jello/baking area of the store) then 64oz of orange juice 24 hrs before the test,then drink 12oz of water 1 hr before the test...always worked for me.

  4. it is a complete myth that anything other than time can clear your system of pot

  5. No

  6. something called goldenseal.

    also take stuff that'll give you false positives. i think ibuprofin is one, but you may have to look that one up yourself.

  7. Time

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