
Do you think we'll go into another depression?

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Do you think we'll go into another depression?




  1. Yep...

  2. The depression by definition was 25% unemployment nationwide. Curently, the United States has 5-6% unemployment in certain sectors of the economy, in minority communites approaching 11%.  The U.S. is vulnerable to move towards a depression because of globally unsteady money markets, two comitted wars, perhaps a third one with Iran, the devaluation of worldwide U.S. currency and deficient spending by the Repulbican controlled Congress.  Not to lay blame on Republicans, but the Senate is Republican controlled and the House is Democratically controlled. I have noticed the main news organizations like CNN and MSNBC have stated that the Congress is democratically controlled, not so.  The board of Govorners who are a apart of The Fed has it's work cut out for it to prop up Freddy and Fannie Mac.  These two lending institutions are the backbone to the mortgage sector. The U.S. economy is diverse, but it to is riddled with problems, however, we should be able to limp along and avoid an all out depression because manufacturing in the United States is strong, items like firetrucks, Catipillar heavy industries; if matters are handled with deft precision with the Treasury Secretary, Fed Chairman and the Congress then the US should be able to capitalize on finidng suitable alternative energy, minimum..

  3. Eventually, yes, a big one!

    Uneless the trade balance is restore! And EE.UU assets stop selling to foreign!

    Domestic consumers can´t sostain the economy, especially under the rising inflation! Making available money to people is no good! though i understand banks and FED like this as its their business!!

    Say hello to the new big boy in town, China, and good bye to EE.UU. decades supremacy which will fall in a matter of decades or less!!

  4. The Democrats would like this to happen

    while the Republicans still remain in

    office, so they're pushing it hard. Any-

    thing to demean the present office and

    America UNTIL they get into complete

    power, and then they'd hope to recover.

    It won't happen with the "tax and spend"

    Democrat group.

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