
Do you think we're becoming more unsociable?

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Take for example in the street, hardly anyone smiles or opens doors for anyone anymore.

What do you think is to blame for this?




  1. society has changed. it's a sign of the time. down south its safety first. i hope we can unite in the days to come. Obama speaks change.i always speak and smile. its the way...

  2. Its only in USA. The world is larger than that. You have friendly countries and unfriendly countries.


    Friendly Country=Thailand (everybody says hello, no matter where you go, everybody smiles at everybody aka Land of Smiles)

    Unfriendly Country=USA (people are angry and keep to themselves, angry about everything aka Land of Whine About Gas Prices and Everything Else Under The Sun)


    USA=Place that gives you thumbs down if you speak the truth and say anything that isnt "USA is the best place on earth"(Even when you supply proof such as I have below).Hey people, Im American, WHITE CHRISTIAN american. Im as american as they come. I am treated alot better in other countries I have lived in than in USA which is why I do not live in USA anymore. For the google results below, I just typed in "Land of Smiles"...I didnt have to type in THAILAND, google knew what I meant and supplied the information. I just typed in "unfriendly country"....I didnt have to type in USA, google knew what I meant and supplied the information. Dont be mad at me, be mad at google for delivering such results. But you shouldnt even get mad, you should wonder why those results show up in the first place. Open Mind people...

  3. overpopulation

  4. my 7yr old son and I were walking around in NY and he asked me why people always look so mad and they never smile and say hi. So I told him he should be the first one to smile and say hi .. you'd be surprised how many people smiled and said hello back... it's catchy.. it sounds stupid.. However it all depends on how sociable you are ....... will be how sociable people are back to you.  There are always some "bad apples" so to speak that are just plain rude.. but I think your own personal out look defines how "sociable" people actually are  

  5. Yes, unless you are in the social circle....

  6. internet.

  7. Overpopulation, a meshing of hundreds of different cultures and languages in one small area, people relocating every few years...welcome to our lovely future.

  8. Nah I think it's the opposite. We know so many people that we don't feel the need to make any new friendsw by smiling at them in the street and opening doors for them etc.

  9. actually, alot of people open or hold doors for people, other than that, there's nothing else

  10. I think people are brainwashed not to trust anyone. Television news is full of stories of strangers harming the regular Joe on the street, in a parking lot, while they're in bed, in school, on the elevator, in their car on the freeway... it turns people anti-social and paranoid even though the media blows things out of proportion, sensationalizes stories and pretends it happens often with you as the next target if you talk to a stranger.

  11. The incessant need to succeed in the rat race.

  12. I think that many people are afraid and under pressure and bombarded with depressing facts from the media which are too much to cope with and which make us mistrust each other.

  13. With all the latest technologies, people do not have to depend on other people they do not know anymore.

    Years ago if you were lost, you would approach an unknown person with a smile and politely ask for directions. Today you just get on your cellphone or map quest on the computer or I-phone.

  14. Well, I will say that most of the time at least where I live, people are pretty nice about opening doors and smiling and saying hello (now traffic is another thing, look out).  I think there may be less sociable behavior just from people being plain busy and self-involved.  You've got people gabbing on their cell phones while paying for groceries or at the bank, instead of making conversations with the people that work there.  Everyone seems to be connected to some sort of electronic instead of noticing their surroundings and enjoying simple things in life.  Not only can it be rude, but dangerous--look at how many people TEXT while driving!!!  Somehow being connected has made us less connected.

  15. the media

  16. I definitely think so. When Im on campus, everyone is walking around with cell phones held up to their ears. it's hard to meet new people or approach others when they're doing this- it just closes everyone off from them.  

  17. This is why I prefer living in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Too many people, walking down New York saying hi to every person you stop by, you're talking to strangers so you're scared that they think you're a creep. but really they're glad you said hi, or maybe they're not. its the paranoia.

    i blame the media. but then it really has made people more aware. it just worked too well.

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