
Do you think we EXPLORE ourselves more everyday when we DEAL with everyday's life?

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Do you think we EXPLORE ourselves more everyday when we DEAL with everyday's life?




  1. The world of business. Looking in cracks and over backs, peaking and sneaking without a sound just to get the facts year round. Minds get tired of all this business of peaking and sneaking around town. Minds get tired and fall asleep then nothing is said about hide and peak.

  2. yes cause every day is different,so we act and we do things different than yeasterday. that way we realize who we are and what is the limit of our strainght, brain or wish. we live exploring, that is the obvious fact in our life

  3. Dear Friend,

                          We are exploring Ourselves, every second of our life when we deal with every day's life. Actually the whole Universe is Our Own Reflection, as a drop of water is the reflection of the sea or the river. Every atom is a whole in itself.

    Here are some foundational practices and fundamental questions we might like to keep in mind as we explore our Internal Self every moment.


    Awakened Attention: Awakened Attention is undoubtedly the most important ingredient of our Integral Practice. Without attention or 'clear seeing', our Integral Practice is nothing more than a new set of behaviors. What's worse, without attention we live only half a life, half awake. Attention has been called 'the gate-way to liberation' and indeed, attention training is the backbone of all spiritual disciplines. “Am I fully present, right here, right now? If not, where am I?"

    2.Honesty: Our honesty is a direct reflection of our integrity. When we lie to others or to ourselves, even if unknowingly, it is said 'we murder a small part of the world'. Can we be aware of our dishonesties before they occur? Honesty also implies authenticity. Are we offering an authentic response to our lives and the world? Are we in touch with our deepest truth? What, if any, is the connection between honesty, integrity, and dignity?

    3.Intention: We must know why we do what we do. Do we really want to change, and if so, why? What is our main purpose, our loftiest goal, and our truest direction? What is our deepest reason, our highest cause, and our ultimate aim? Are we living our lives deliberately, with focus, clarity and vision? What is the motivating factor behind our actions? Do we live in an inspired manner?

    4.Earnestness: Can we bring a sense of humbleness and humility to our lives? Can we be grateful for these opportunities to express and explore our selves and the world? Can we bow in gratitude to our difficulties as well as our friends and lovers? When we feel the sting of life at it's most difficult and painful moments, can we bow to that? Can we cultivate a sense of gratitude, for no thing and no one in particular, but just because we can?

    5.Gentleness: Is anyone a worthier recipient of our kindness, than our selves? In our prayers and blessings, can we begin with ourselves, then extend our loving-kindness to include others and eventually all 'sentient beings'? How far can we throw our 'net of compassion', how wide is our 'umbrella of good intent', and towards how many can we extend our best wishes?

    6.Responsibility: Can we see that whatever aspects of ourselves we don't own, will own us? Can we think of responsibility as 'response-ability'? To the best of our ability, can we respond to and confront our lives? What are we afraid of? Can we face our fears, and skillfully learn to be with 'what is'? Can we take a stand in the midst of uncertainty and insecurity, open our hearts and breathe into the face of unknowingness?

    7.Playfulness: It has been said that 'Even our deepest responsibility, is nothing more than serious play'. Can we bring a light heartedness to all that we do, or has life become a burden? Can we set down our burden even for a moment, and dance around it? Can we sense the mystery and wonder of even existing at all? Then can we live from this space, and still tend to the necessities and details of living? Can we as Rumi suggests 'sell our cleverness and buy bewilderment'?

    8.Support: Do we surround ourselves with those we hold in high regard? Do we seek out others that support our efforts, as well as supporting the efforts of others? Do we cultivate relationships that feed us, or drain us? Can we draw on those around us for inspiration and motivation? Can we create a sense of community, or must we remain isolated in our efforts? Can we sense the meaning of the phrase 'intimacy with all beings'? Can we look in the eyes of 'other', and see ourselves staring back?

    9.Simplicity: Can we simplify where possible or must we burden ourselves needlessly? Can we practice 'a gentle doing without', or do we really need more? Are the answers to life's biggest questions really that complex or can we imagine knowing less and becoming wiser? Rather than needing all the answers, can we learn to love the questions? In all the commotion and struggle towards acquisition and gain, can we sense that part of ourselves that is content and utterly full, completely independent of outside need?

    10.Persistence: Practice, practice, practice. Without practice, our hopes for change, healing and growth remains just a concepts, and words on paper. We need to be gentle with ourselves, it is true; but we also need to be firm. Let us treat ourselves with real compassion, not 'idiot compassion', and therefore begin to challenge ourselves, engage ourselves, and push ourselves: let's begin to practice.

    11.Breathe and become awake, relax open and let go, soften and smile, move deeply into experience wordlessly, watch and allow whatever is happening to happen, it is already happening anyway …be with whatever is appearing...

  4. that's called maturity.



  5. Not really, only some of us explore ourselves and that's  because some of us want to do the right thing and are not completely sure how to.

  6. well yes and depends on the level of awareness of that person... cause "exploration" requires learning something new and you cannot learn something if you are not aware of it.

    some people just live their everyday life and they don't seem to "explore" themselves. I know this from contact with many people and when this issue is discussed they call me and people who think the same "philosophers"! ;')

    Personally I believe so...

  7. No!  Many times we ignore exploring about ourselves less when busy working through our every day's  business.  I believe we explore more of ourselves when one is still with the day and time and reflecting into our inner self's.


  8. ...knowing myself...i would learn more of everyday's life experiences...BETTER...

    ...even an old solved problem may occur with a new twist... ala a new answer...

    ...knowing myself better helps me to change too...YES...

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