
Do you think we a nation of, put up and shut up?

by  |  earlier

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British im on about!




  1. We definitely put up, but we certainly don't shut up. Every day we moan about the state of things, but rarely do we stand up and say we're actually going to do something about it! (myself included)

  2. Yes, but more "Take it and put up with it, don't argue" Where has our fighting spirit gone??

  3. We certainly put up, but never shut up. Many of us are sick to death at the way this country is going.  Is all well and good to say that this shower was voted in (not by me) and that we got what we deserved. The majority of it's legislation was never mentioned in it's manifesto, had it been, they would never have gotten a sniff of power! Er, "by the way we are going to sell off our gold, allow businesses to sell off your jobs abroad, let all and sundry in, give criminals more rights than you, allow convicted terrorists to stay here, tax you to the hilt, seek to control every aspect of your life" etc. etc. Who in their right mind would have voted for them? My point being, those seeking election must state their true intentions, should they fail to carry them out or deviate from them, they are kicked out and another election held. They are our servants not our masters, that is what todays career politician has lost sight of, amongst many things.

  4. We are a nation who knows our place in a democratic process.  At the next election we will be able to choose our leaders and until then we know that deep-down, we elected the current bunch of ******* and we have to live with them for the time being...

  5. 50-50

  6. Absolutely.  We are the most complacement nation on earth.  I can't imagine what the men who fought and died for us in two world wars would make of today's mess in Britain.

  7. nanny state innit. if anybody thinks that you are a free man in this country must be off their trolly.

  8. if the government ordered the British to eat their own sh*t....they would do it with out question. lets face it. any nation that would stand aside and do nothing as their country was given away to a n**i style federation, and told NO!! you will not have your opinion voiced by referendum and take!!! it>>>>>>>were talking no balls and brain dead really aren't we.

  9. Stiff upper lip.  Chuff chuff and away.

  10. For a democracy to function effectively you need a small population, so that you can attend to individuals needs and also represent them.

    The Swis can do do that, with a population of about 6 millions, Britain having 60 millions can not accomodate evryone.

    So there will allways be discontents.

    and the measures will be tailored rather then especially made and cut to size!

    As quite a few answered below that we do put up, but we do not shut up, is exactly our way of doing something about it!

    When enough of us believe that for a particular issue we must not put up, we can tallk it out get enough people to sign a petition, form a pressure group and get something about the particular issue done!

    Unfortunately we will eventualy get bored and move on, unless its really important!

    But we can't realy claim to be a real demcoracy, when we have no choise what so ever into the state of the affairs.

    Our Government lies to us, and lies to anyone they like, and we can not tell them anything!

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