
Do you think we are all going to die in 2012?

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They say a volcano in Wyoming is going to errupt.




  1. No one can effectively predict the future so the only real answer can be "maybe". And, does it really matter if the world ends in 2012 or 10,000 years from now or 1,000,000 years from now? This planet will eventually be a cold dark rock, who cares when it happens.

  2. no...honestly it's just a stupid thing people made up to get some attention. The world won't be ending for a while..unless we get into a nuclear war lol

  3. That's the date on the ancient Mayan calendar.

    If we do, I hope it's fast.  Wonder what it'll be...comet strike?  Pandemic?  Environmental collapse?  Nuclear holocaust?  The Internet crashes? ;)

  4. NO, why should we ?

  5. Scientificly, If everyone were to f**t presumably at one time all at the same time, the earths atmosphere would turn into a green smog and all air would evaporate and explode. Not even all of the trees and plants in the world could save us from that. So in 2012 dont f**t, I know some will try to do this on purpose and cause sharts......but we should be ok because the majority would be soaked up by cloth......Dr. Pitbull (department of scientific research)

  6. why 2012 lol?

  7. Nope

  8. No I don't. Then again depending on who gets elected...who knows.

  9. i'v heard it 's gonna be October 12, 2012, and what exactly is gonna happen, who knows, let's just hope it's really quick, there is too many innocent children who have not had a chance at life, and sure enough didn't ask to come here in the place, that is all that really worries me, not me or the rest of the adult population.

  10. I hope NOT!

  11. yeah I do. December 24th 3:34pm. 2012

    The earths northern axis will align directly with the black hole in the galaxy center. Many people belive this will be the end of the fifth and final cycle. At least that is what the ancient mayan prophecy says. What will happen? I dont know. Maybe nothing. Maybe space aliens eat our heads... no way to know.

  12. I hope not

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