
Do you think we are killing the earth? Why or Why Not?

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Do you really believe all this Al Gore Stuff? Please send me your thoughts! Plus if you belong to some kind of enviormentalist group!




  1. Mankind may wipe ot other species and in the end maybe himself. But man won't KILL the Earth. Mother Nature will fix what man screws up.

    Global warming-- It's real, but man isn't the cause. We had global warming after the Little Ice Age and there wasn't a car on the roads and we burnt almost no fossil fuel then. There wasn't anything that man did to end the last Ice Age either. It's all Mother Nature. She controls the climate.

  2. No, I think the Earth is a lot more resilliant than we give it credit for being.  I put Al Gore and global warming the same place as the pundits who believed the "second ice age scare" of the seventies and the "acid rain" scare of the eighties.  Global Warming is just the next fad.

  3. I don't worry about global warming but our water supply is of concern. The earth can purify it but it takes time. We need to stop polluting our water supplies.

  4. We are not killing the earth, but we may be making it hard for current life forms to continue; us included. The earth can recover probably even from nuclear war. However, we would not.

    Given the volume of traffic anywhere it is hard to imagine global warming not happening. It's standard science that carbon dioxide, emitted by all fossil burning, holds heat in the earth's atmosphere. Such a simple concept. How can anyone NOT believe it.

    Member, Sierra Club.

  5. I agree with Scott B.  Al Gore is a whiny freak.  This global warming thing is just a fad and politicians are exploiting it.  Look at the current US summer.  It is actually cooler this year than last year in most of the US.  Ice shelves are actually getting thinker.  They'll still break off, but that's because they thicken and become too heavy to stay attached.

    We're not killing the Earth and all this carbon footprint stuff is BS, too.

  6. Yes we are KILLING the Earth. Lets say that Earth is the host cell. Under some beliefs of sadistic scientific circles people could be considered a parasitic attachment to the host cell. We consume the resources and spread out, similar characteristics of a virus. Will it ever have any meaning in our lifetime? Probably not but we need to open our eyes. I'm thankful for everyday I'm stuck on this rock and it'll still be here long after I'm dead and gone.

  7. I do believe all this Al Gore stuff. I've seen the graph showing the RAPID rise in carbon dioxide. This is caused by man. It's our problem(and that of many other endangered species too), not the Earth's. The Earth will survive just fine without us as will the bacteria and probably the cockroaches and maybe even the rats. It will take awhile, but the damage we may cause, including a nuclear war, will eventually be healed, and evolution will just start anew as it did after the demise of the dinosaurs.

  8. the earth will kill us before we kill the earth

    I think we may be unwittingly (mostly) at war with the earth

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