
Do you think we can do something to control global warming?

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Inspite of awareness progremmes happenning everywhere, still we can see scientists say global warming is happening. Do you feel we, human beings can control this?

Don't you think human beings are more selfish and we care less about the future?

Are we not irrespnsible in this context?




  1. from point of view human are selfish nowdays. Although they do realize about global warming they are still contributing or causing global warming by emmiting  co2 gas. To overcome this problem we should cooperate together with ngo's. by this we can cut down the amount of co2 emmeted(millions of tonnes of c02 are trapped in the atmosphere)

  2. we can try everything but i don't think we can stop global warming. we can't stop mother nature. it's kinda our fault how global warming even started, so it's us to blame.

  3. the movie "who killed the electric car?" made me so angry, because it was horrible. the only solution to our problem will be solar power. Alternative fuel sources will create their own problems over time.

  4. always question the authority

    i dont think there will be global warming due to the research i did on them

    but it is quite possible if we raise the pollution level

  5. We cannot control globing warming.....or cooling.  Both are naturally occuring cycles.

  6. We all can contribute in stopping  further degradation of resource. As somebody famously said: we have not inherited earth from our fathers , we borrowed it from our childrens.

    Its a matter of conscious, use green products, waste little water. plant trees. use bio degradable products. support green initiatives. small thing which we can do. There are other bigger things which may not in our hand ,,but do our bit.

  7. When we started the massive development of our river courses long ago the environment was changed forever.but this being said ,/It could be reversed. OTHERWISE WE HAVE HAD LITTLE IMPACT./The volcanoes ,earthquakes and changes in the suns influence has had far more impact on earth than  our presents. WE probably can blow ourselves to h**l with atom bombs and have less impact than the sun./Ken

  8. Yes it exist, but because of the killer bee scandle, the y2k scandle and all the sorts, people don't take it seriously. But instead of watching movies like "an inconvenient truth" and "who killed the electric car" people would rather watch queen latifah in "last holiday" and not get educated and informed in waht's going on. WE as humand dont appreciate what we have until it's gone

  9. assuming global warming is man made (the most likely explanation) and not a natural cycle caused by changes in the sun, then there is a lot that could be done, but that will require a massive change of habits, application of new technology, and most likely, increase in energy costs.

    all that requires global cooperation and international discipline, and I doubt very much if that is possible.

    on the other hand, the increase in price of crude oil, followed by similar increase in price of coal, will very likely bring in new technologies, that will reduce use of crude oil, since the market of crude oil is very sensitive to small changes in demand.

  10. Global warming does not exist.  It's a big money raiser. Yes there is pollution, but Global warming. NO.  There are bigger things to worry about.

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