
Do you think we could learn to play Teardrops On My Guitar in 2 months with no experience?

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Ok, one of my friends can (SORT OF) play the guitar.(WE BOTH TOOK LESSONS FOR A MONTH.) So we're not all that suckish. But pretty suckish, :P. We both learned the intro in like, a day. That wasn't hard. But we need help on the chords during the verses. You know, "Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see." etc. My other friend is singing, but who cares. IMPORTANT!!- WE ARE DOING THIS FOR A TALENT SHOW. Today is August 25th and we need to master it by early October. (That's when the talent show starts)

I know it only has like 4 chords but keep in mind we are really new, so what can we do? And do you think we can do it?

Basically me and one friend are on guitar, and the other sings.

Please write descriptive answers about what we can do. Not just "yes" or "no".




  1. I'm sort of learning this song too!

    I "cheat" on Em to C transitions.  Instead of playing Em with your middle finger & ring finger, play it with your 1st finger & middle finger. Then you don't have to move your middle finger while switching to C.

  2. Well for one thing I wouldn't dare attempt this after only a month of lessons, I've seen this before and because the students didn't have enough experience they went blank when it was time to play......unless you have perfect pitch, or are a musical genius I can't imagine doing this in this short time......Maybe if you play for hours a day.....but your fingers probably don't have enough callouses to stand this, as I'm sure you know guitar playing does hurt until you have at least six months of playing. The only thing that I can suggest is to get together at least two hours in the am and pm and play until your fingers start to hurt....if you play beyond that you may injury your fingers or hands, I know in the earily days of my playing I over did and spent lots of time at the hand Dr's. !!!!!!!! If these chords aren't complicated maybe with daily playing it could be done, but make sure that you know the song without even thinking about it, otherwise your going to go blank from nerves. If by a week before the contest  you still have doubts I wouldn't do it. I know one thing, you guys are brave, when I first started playing years ago I wouldn't dare play in front of anyone until I had at least a year of playing. I've taught new students songs like, " Yesterday " by the Beatles and they could play it well, (fingerstyle), but some of them went blank when it came to playing it in front of people. To play for something like a talent contest you should know the song backwards and forward in your sleep, otherwise your going to s***w up !!!! So like I said, see how you sound the week before the talent show, (tape yourselfs) if you do it well and don't have a case of the nerves, go for it, there's nothing like experience to teach people a lesson.....but if your still s******g up a week before then I'd say forget about it until you gain more experience. I've taught classical and acoustic for years and I can't imagine any of my students attemping this in that short time of playing, even the great ones. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you do attempt this I wish you well, and let us know how you make out, good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. you can if you just plan on strumming the chords and you can switch them easily

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