
Do you think we have alot of our thoughts from?

by  |  earlier

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the way we were raise or society plays a part, and do you think some ppl that was brought in a very religious household, do you think they would like to explore other things in life or they are very accustomed to their upbringing.




  1. Whatever thoughts we are used to determines what thoughts we will attract.  There is one exception, though.  Whenever we decide that we don`t like something, anything, by thinking about that subject that we don`t like, then we also attract those thoughts and often they are the very ones that we were taught are bad.  This is why when religion, society, and many large groups campaign or preach against something, they then find themselves addicted to the very thing they preach or campaign against.  Examples of things which grow this way are child abuse, anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-fat, anti-anything-else-you-can-think-of.  Television news also promotes these negative subjects in a very big way.  Why?,  because it sells.

  2. i think some are more prone to question and less affected by the dominant ideology of their upbringing or ideologies of the society they grew up in. and some are more happy to think as whatever they've been told, think as their peers do, and rigid on those views, so much so even that they would never even entertain another point of view, dismiss it right away as being wrong, and even get upset and offended when others question their ideologies.

    but i think everybody is affected by their upbringing. just look at how different fashion was throughout history, and even is in different countries. people were always people but their taste was different, because of where and when they lived, and only because of that.

  3. that definitely plays a huge role

  4. It depends on the individual and what his/her destiny is going to be in this lifetime. You will see here by the link that this person, even as a child, was destined for another path in life:

    Every individual should be free to explore life and all kinds of ideas and not be in fear of it being wrong in any way. That's "freedom of religion" and free choice. It is what many have lived and died for.

  5. well, i know for just about everyone it is. as for myself, my parent always gave me what they thought, what others thought, and gave me the option of having a different opinion. most of my thoughts arent considered the 'normal' way of thinking, but then again, if i thought 'normal' thoughts, i wouldnt be answering questions on philosophy, and if i did, they would be pretty bad answers... on most people, they are unknowingly pressured into believing a certain way because of their gaurdians and their religious beliefs, and, in a lesser way most of the time, their society. i have several friends who are devout chrisitans, and they believe this, but i doubt they would be christian if they had different parents... for myself, i am growing up with christians, and i live in a place where there might be one atheist for every 2000 peope... i am not claiming any religion, but i am just about the only one who dares challenge the religion i was born into basically... i dont guess i think it is wrong, but i just am the only one to question it... i think differently than most, and i am greatful for it, but, people sure do start to look at you funny after you say anything about yourself...

    good question though...

    have a great day!!!


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