
Do you think we lost the good life because of greed?

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we all are so busy trying to acquire stuff that we forgot the things that are important in life. Like family friends and health.




  1. Greed, anger, and stupidity.

  2. I don't own an iPod - a cell phone - the latest model car - a Blackberry - a 56" flat screen TV - and I am happy as a pig in S H I T. It's not that I can't afford these items. I choose my purchases carefully and I buy quality.

    Most of my friends and family are the same way. We value the company of each other over the pursuit of material things.

    I own my own company and I have young (university educated) employees that take home a bigger pay cheque than I do. They have all the TOYZ and live in apartments because they can't afford the down payment on a house. I just don't get their sense of priorities.

  3. Yes, people try to find love and acceptance and peace of mind in all the wrong places. They are workaholics, alcoholics, drug-addicts, and spiraling out of control. Where they should have found peace and happiness within themselves...if only they could have slowed down and love someone.

  4. Ah, good question...

    I don't think life today is any better today or worse than it ever was- In all times of our existence, there was violence, greed, joy, and goodness.

    The times change, but people stay the same at their core.

    I do agree though, as many people would, that in America today we do focus on material objects more than cultures and peoples at many times and places.

    But then again, the "good life" would be defined differently by just about everybody.

    I agree with you though, in our daily routines and in this rat-race, we miss so much beauty in the simple goodness in life, in freinds, in family, and in our own health.  

    Greed has always been here, everywhere on this earth, and it always will be. But then again, so will the good life, even if you don't see it in the rush of our daily modern lives

  5. In the Amazon rain forest, each sapling is fighting to seek  light. One day this sapling will grow to overshadow it's parent tree. Some may call it greed.

    I like to think that a bigger tree provides more when it's time has come.

    After all, there are more of us.

  6. Some of us haven't lost it, a few of us still know the truth. That of what is worth it in this world is nothing that we have ever bought or could ever sell, have lost or could ever loose.

  7. Yes, I do. What do people want much money for? or things or possessions?  They spend their lifes working in order to make money to buy things they can rarely enjoy cause they continue making more money.

  8. Yes, of course. This greed has created the most evil in the world but greed is a result of fear. Fear is the mindkiller.

  9. Answers to this will come in many forms because all people will define "the good life" differently.  Many people have put what I consider the very most important things in life to me way down on their list... like family, friends, love, consideration, empathy, not being judgemental, treating all people like the creation of God that we all are.  I could write the rest of the evening,  but I think you get my drift.  Greed has caused so much in the case of war.  All wars stem from greed.  I really don't think the way things are going on earth was the intention of the creator.

  10. Greed is wanting more than someone else thinks you should.

    You can certainly get lost in materialism, but the reality is  the 'good' life comes from wanting more than what's just going to land in your lap.

    If you have a really good life,  I can virtually guarantee that somewhere a whiny feckless Socialist hack is calling you greedy and voting for some form of wealth transfer.

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