
Do you think we missed the boat by attacking Iraq & Afghanistan when the real threat is Russia/China?

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Do you think we missed the boat by attacking Iraq & Afghanistan when the real threat is Russia/China?




  1. I think we should practice on canada and mexico.

  2. No. Russia has been dealing with its own threat from Salafist Jihadists in Chechnya and was doing so before the attack on America of September 11, 2001. The Chinese have been dealing with the Salafist Jihadist threat posed by the East Turkistan Liberation Front (ETLF) composed mostly of Uiger Muslims in Xinjiang Province in Northwest China. That's especially worrisome since that province is the home of China's nuclear testing facility. Russia and China have joined with several of the former Soviet Central Asian Republics to form the Shanghai Cooperative Organization to deal with this threat.

    All three of our nations are engaged in the Long War against Salafist Jihadist groups like Al Queda.  Neither Russia or China poses any threat to us at this time. I will light a candle and thank my God you are not in charge of target selection in this Long War.  

  3. Do you actually think Afghanistan & Iraq was a threat? No one attacked America, the self inflicted attacks of 9/11 by rogue elements of the Bush administration made it seem as though on September 12th that 'enemies' were defined, 'america must fight for it's freedom', all that b.s.

    The real threat IS the United States.

  4. ear at first i have a question then answer you what you think about freedom?but your answer root of every things bad or good is in our mind afghan /china /iran and other people has theirlife and you didnt gave them life so you have not right to keep their life any way think you have a bad next door person but when he is silent and dosnt harmfull to you let him continue his life  

  5. I think a large part of the reason why we went into Afganistan and especially Iraq was because of oil. Russia's LUKOIL was about to get a huge oil contract with Saddam around year 2000 and we weren't gonna have it.

    And how do you deal with Russia and China? Certainly not through military force. That would be an all out war with millions dead. We have to stop pretending to be the world's cop and try to retain our superpower dominance through economic means.

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