
Do you think we need a new motor racing venue in NSW to boost the industry and create jobs .?

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Do you think we need a new motor racing venue in NSW to boost the industry and create jobs .?




  1. no we dont,really i dont !!!!

  2. Not really there's nothing wrong with Mt. Panorama the biggest event on the V8 calendar nor Eastern Creek for the events that happen there.

    As for holding a V8 round at the Homebush Olympic centre,well no-one is going to like that there.The disruption that would bring to that region traffic wise and the inconvenience to users of the sporting facilities which are used every weekend...a rethink is needed on that idea.

  3. Would be nice, as I live in NSW and would cut my cost of travelling to the Grand Prix each year if F1 came to Sydney.

    Having said that, the infrastructure that Sydney has - especially public transport, is an absolute disgrace and frankly, Sydney cannot realistically compete against Melbourne when it comes to hosting a major event. Everytime I go to Melbourne for the GP, I'm impressed with their public transport. It's just so easy to get from the CBD to the Albert Park.

  4. No all they need to do is make the facilities at Eastern Creek better.

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