
Do you think we need to be told to 'hug a fatty' by the government?

by Guest64650  |  earlier

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How about they stick to their job of running this country (as opposed to running it into the ground).........




  1. I think this drug reference is deplorable-you're on weed aren't you?

  2. Well said. What a shower. How long before there are weighing scales outside restaurants to impose a fat tax?

  3. Well just tlook who he was talking to. The Fabian Society.

    These people are the pillars of radical PC and leftist philosphy currently exhibited by this government.

    do a google on them and then look at their members.

    It is no wonder the "leaders" of this country talk so much s**t.

  4. I have been fat,,and now im slimmer...slim me wins.always.mary.c.

  5. Don' hug a fatty, kick 'em up their lazy fat '**** to get 'em moving so they can start to lose some of that ugly lard. What is it with fat people, they've even taken to telling people like me with a healthy BMI of about 22 that we're too thin !! Yup. I kid you not. Now I'll get the thumbs down from the sensitively overweight. Who cares, they're the ones in denial and ruining their health.

  6. I've read the link and can't see what your point is. The government stating they have no wish to 'vilify' the obese is not the same as 'hug a fatty' !

    I think you are perpetuating the very attitude they are talking about.

    If you are making a point about them making a response to DC's comments then what are they supposed to do? Ignore the publicised comments of the opposition leader or make their case?

    Damned if they do , damned if they don't.

    EDIT- The Evening Standard say ' hug a fatty' not him. I've read the article in 4 other papers-Telegraph, Times, Guardian and I independent. No mention of 'hug a fatty'. It's all just newspaper bollox. Or Evening Standard bollox to be precise. Do you actually believe Newspaper headlines?

  7. I'd rather hug  fatty than a rack of ribs, anyday!!!

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