
Do you think we need to upset Russia by putting defensive missiles in Poland?

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I'll bet we wouldn't be too pleased if Russia (to defend a possible ally, say perhaps Venezuela?) decided to make a deal with Mexico to put in a "defensive" missile battery. Is my idea way off if I suggest we ask Russia to allow us to set up our battery within Russia rather than in a neighboring country so that they can share our technology in an act of good will and thus know our intent is purely self defense against rogue states and not against Russia itself? I doubt we would need to exposing cutting edge technology to Russia just to intercept anything Iran thinks it can throw our way.




  1. It isn't about Iran.  It is about controlling oil and Russia has its hands on loads of it especially in the former republics of the USSR like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc.  So if the US can manipulate some of these countries into joining Nato ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) even though they are far, far away from the traditional Nato countries then that is a wedge to get their hands on oil for all those American SUVs as well

    as aircraft carriers.  For example Russia has access to seaports in the south via the Black sea ( it shares the port of Sebastapol with the Ukrainians) and its oil leaves from ports in Georgia as well.  If, say Ukraine joins NATO and decides to boot the Russians out then Turkey, also a member of NATO must by treaty obligation block the Russian fleet based at Sebastapol from leaving the area.  

    OK. Poland is another matter.  Was never part of the hegemony of the

    USSR recently at least. I doubt the Russians will take them on directly--just threaten them by mega targeting their missile sites and doing war games every so often to let them and NATO know they are


    Also, the Russian have supplied the Iranians with nuclear technology and also a missile defense system, the Tor, so be aware that just because they are semi-correct in Georgia today, that does not mean that they aren't in the Petropolitical game in just as nasty a way as the


  2. The USA did offer to let the Russians in to observe what was going on, but the Russians turned it down.  

  3. one big difference. the missiles in cuba were to be used against the u.s.a. the ones we deployed are defensive and we even offered to give them to russia. so oh lets not upset poor ole russia. by all means lets placate the ruskies.thank god your not running the country.

  4. Yes you are right. Look how America screamed when Russia tried to put a missile base in Cuba. Look how America turned a blind eye when Israel developed nuclear weapons. Its one law for the US and yet a different one for Russia. Poland and the rest of the world may regret the day this happened.

  5. You are correct that America has a double-standard when it comes to our treatment of other nations and what we allow in our own hemisphere.  (This is a better example than the Cuban Missile Crisis one I read earlier).

    However, Russia is looking for excuses to be upset and reasons to expand it's imperial reach.  They have their sights set on the Ukraine and Poland next (you can tell by the tone of the rhetoric).  It doesn't take American missiles to drum up Russian tensions- it's just the easiest one to fabricate at the moment.

    I look at it this way:  If the Poles want it, then no harm in working with them to make it happen.  Who cares what the Russians think?  They just attacked Georgia and are thumbing their nose at the cease fire, NATO, the EU and the rest of the world.  Never accommodate a child in the middle of a temper tantrum.

  6. yes,  Russia is all talk anyway.  what are they gonna do?  cry, ***** and then roll over.  oooo big deal

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