
Do you think we should 'change the time' in October or not?(Ireland only) please.?

by  |  earlier

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With the days getting shorter even now in mid August, do you think we should continue with this tradition of losing an hour at the end of October? It gets dark at around 4.30pm at the height of Winter, would it not be better if it got dark at around 5.30pm by keeping that hour? It would also cut down on SAD and more people becoming depressed.




  1. hi you

    i am a firm believer in that the time should remain the same all year round

  2. No. All that stuff just irritates me.

  3. Yeh, but its just the way its been for like hundreds for years, so no one would probably change it.

    Good idea though.

  4. no because then if we left the clocks the way they are,in december, the sun wouldn't rise until 9.20AM,which i for one wouldn't like.

    so i think we should keep putting the clocks back in getting dark at 530 rather than 430 wouldnt really cut down on SAD,but i think that one hour in the morning when people are getting up makes a difference

  5.'re right.

    It makes so much more sense..


  6. You're right. We should 'change the time' in October.........

    We should go back to June!

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