
Do you think we should do the same thing with Iran...?

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Alright...we invaded Iraq because we thought they had WMD...but we didn't find any. We also did it because we wanted to free the Iraq people & they said Terrorists were there...but alotta Iraqis say the country is worst then ever(this is THEIR country so you can't deny their opinion)..and there's always gonna be Terrorists everywhere around the world that don't like the why didn't they invade other countries that have Terrorists?(BTW..this is not the question)

But anyway..With our troops being stressed with deployment after deployment(and that d**n "stop-loss")...Do you think it's right for the US to do anything about Iran...even tho Iran hasn't done anything hostile involving their so called "nuclear-power"? (This is my question)

Also....Bush says they're such a threat....I don't think Iran would be so dumb as to use Nukes against ANY country....They know other Countries will act ASAP(with their nukes)!

Just because they're Iran don't make them dumb when it comes to using their WMD.




  1. Bush is an idiot and liar.  Basing any decision on what he says would be a mistake.

  2. GW Bush blundered into Iraq, ignoring the advice of all his miltiary people, including his Secretary of State who had already fought a war there.  They all told him we couldn't prevail in Iraq because we didn't have enough people to stabilize the country.  Instead Bush listened to a group of naive idealogs at the Project for a New American Century who convinced him that, as the last remaining superpower, we should act like a superpower.  Almost immediately the plan went south, as we watched order completely disappear in Iraq, including helplessly watching as Iraqis unloaded caches full of weapons to use against our own troops.

    To justify invading Iraq, Bush gave many different reasons.  They were all lies but as soon as one reason was shown to be a lie he'd come out with another reason. Iraq had nukes, they were close to having nukes, they had WMD, they supplied and aided terrorists, they were allied with Al Quaeda, they had plans to attack the US with unmanned aircraft, Saddam wanted to take over the entire Middle East, the people of Iraq would welcome us, etc. etc.  All lies.

    I think Bush's original plan was to burn through Iraq in a few weeks, and then go on to Syria and Iran.  Why do I think this?  Because before we invaded Iraq, that's what conservatives and Republicans were talking about.  But Iraq ended up being a bigger hurdle than Bush thought.

    So for the last couple of years Bush has been using many of these same lies on Iran.  They have nukes.  They're close to having nukes.  They are sending terrorists to Iraq.  They are allied with Al Quaeda.  They are involved in Iraq. They want to take over the whole Middle East, etc. etc.  By now we know the drill.

    In fact, Iran is only trying to make fuel for the nuclear reactors WE SOLD THEM!  And they are perfectly happy to put up with international inspection.  They have neither intention nor capability to make trouble for anyone.  They have serious defensive weapons but their offensive capability is very limited.

    But Bush saber-rattled against Iran for years, partly to use them as an excuse why the war in Iraq is going so badly, and partly to be seen as a 'tough talker'.

    Finally, cooler heads prevailed at the White House.  Bush finally listened to his advisers who managed to convince him, somehow, that bombing or invading Iran would be counterproductive.  Iran has the capability of closing off the Straits of Hormuz, thus cutting off the entire supply of Middle East oil to the entire world.

    Last week, in the mother of all flip-flops, after swearing for years that we would never negotiate with 'terrorists', Bush send an envoy to negotiate with Iran.  Despite the overblown rhetoric of people like Ahmadinejad, Iran would very much like to have peace with us.

  3. Iran is a threat, they have already vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the map, to attack Iran after launching a nuclear attack would be the worst thing that the US could ever allow since Israel is our largest ally

    in the middle east.

    I believe Iran is dumb enough to launch nukes against Israel and the US but I also believe that Israel will preemptively strike Iran.

    EDIT: Note to It's That Guy

    The person that GWB sent to the Iran talks was *not* negotiating, he was there simply as a set of ears to see what was being said. The other negotiating countries did say that having a representative from the US was a big help.

    Now unless something else has happened, I am not aware of any flip flop.

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