
Do you think we should drill for oil off the Atlantic coast or the Rocky Mountains?

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It has been strongly sepulated that if we were to drill for oil at all of the locations at our disposal we could be totally independent for our energy supply. The downside is the environment. Do you think it is worth it or not and why?




  1. canadas arctic has enough oil&gas to keep us going for a very long time.problem is getting it to market.i,ve been drilling for oil&gas for 30 years.5 of those years in the arctic.i have never seen any well that can compare anywhere come up with a way to get it into a could make you very rich.unless you want to wait for global warming which will open up the northwest passage.and we have been drilling in our parks,mountains,an waters for a long time.nothing stops big oil should know this

  2. I say the Rocky Mountains because it's less populated and if anything were to go wrong there'd be less victims and etc. Also if things went wrong the oil can go back into the ground instead of the ocean....

  3. New technology will soon make oil worthless so why should we keep destroying our environment drilling for something we really don't want or need to move into the future. My grandchildren with laugh at us someday for even using something as crude as oil. ( pun Intented )

  4. I think they should drill wherever possible for oil.  It's no longer an environmental issue it's a survival issue.  Anwar, off the coast of Florida.  If there's a will there's a way.  Besides China is already beginning to drill very close to Florida in international waters.

  5. Definitely not. Drilling will only cause prices to go down about a nickel over the next decade at the best. It's not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we'd only have 2-3% of the needed national supply. We can't depend on oil. We have to find alternative sources of energy.

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