
Do you think we should go to war with china because thier pollution travels accross pacific and hurts the us?

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it will help by ending thier evil pollution ways!! and what if we sent our troops on green combat vehicles, thatd show em




  1. How would starting a WAR solve any pollution problems? Seems like it would just add to it.

  2. Are U volunteering??China is so large that if we killed 10 solders a second they would never run out of solders.

  3. No. China has nuclear and thermo-nuclear weapons, and more than a billion people.  Your question indicates an inaccurate perception of reality.  This is not just what I think, as you asked, it is fact.

  4. not unless we blow ourselves up 1st!!! WE are the only ones who refused to reduce our emissions at the last summit. i suppose you think we should go to war with Cuba because they have a dictator instead of a president. or with Ethiopia because they don't drink the same brand of bottled water that we do.

    our pollution stays in America & only poisons our air. Canada & Mexico do not suffer because of the pollution from our factories & autos.



  5. no! prior to the economic development of china, when countries like america where growing, their pollution would impact other countries in the world which werent producing any pollutants. And still the pollution created from america contributes greatly to the global climate and other places worldwide, next to china, usa is the next top polluter and the goverment is so self obsessed that it would take them so long to sign kyoto agreement.

  6. wow are you retarded? start a war over pollution? this is one of the stupidest ideas i have ever come across. What, do you think that the US doesnt pollute at all? that you dont consume fossil fuels and send your pollution into the air as well? or are you just ignorant? all countries pollute to some extent, not just china.

  7. How ironic.  Lets go kill the Chinese because the pollution (from them making things that WE PURCHASE AT WALMART) is making it's way over here to our glorious homeland.  We comprise only 5-6% of the world population, but we supply 98% of the worlds weapons.  We also use 50% of the worlds energy.  get a life WAR - MONGER

  8. Oh just how wrong can you get and how racist you sound!!

    The problem with China is that it is a growing economy and needs to build more and more power stations which will bring more pollution but and it is a big BUT - Even with this they are still expected to beat the reduction targets well ahead of the US and Europe by 2020 and by 2050 is expected to be 50% ahead of the targets!!!

    So in most respects China is outstripping everyone in pollution control!!

    In fact they are leading the field in ways of producing energy in more efficient and far less polluting ways!!!

    So swallow your racism and turn your army on the US and Europe!!!!

  9. war? no - the pollution that would be caused by sending troops over to China to battle it out would just make things worse.  Besides, how does the senseless killing of more people help anything?

  10. You have asked an interesting, and scarey question.  I looked at some of the other questions you have asked and answered before I answered this one.  I wanted to see if you were just a troll, trying to rile folks up (I decided you were not a troll).

    War with China is inevitable.

    (Think about that 5 word sentance for just a moment folks)

    Is it inevitable because I said so?  no

    Is it inevitable because some Government person in the U.S.A. said so?  no

    So why on earth did I say war with China is inevitable?

    Because of what China says to their military.....War with the United States is inevitable.

    China drums that into the heads of the people in their military over and over again.  So if that is China's stance, then yes, eventually it WILL come to pass....the U.S.A. WILL be at war with China.  Completely horrific to think of.

    Should we declair war on China, because of their pollution?  No

    What the U.S. should do is invent things that are ACTUAL pollution solvers.  I don't care what it is....a solar panel as big as a paperback that can provide electric for an entire house, a car that runs on human urine and gets 100mpg, a filter that can be put on every smokestack and capture every single bit of pollution and render the pollution into semi precious gems (I'm being far fetched on purpose) does not matter what "it" is, the U.S. simply needs to invent the ACTUAL and honest sollutions to pollution problems.  Because no matter what we invent, China is going to steal the idea, copy it, and churn them out by the zillions.  They are going to put "it" to use in their own country, and they are then going to sell "it" back to the U.S. for cheaper than we could manufacture "it."

    Those type of honest pollution preventing inventions will do far more good to help China and the world clean up the pollution than going to war ever will.

    People who live in the U.S.A. (as I do) need to REALLY think about the fact that China teaches their military that, "War with the United States is inevitable."

    People who live in the U.S.A need to REALLY think about the fact that China is now trying to have a stockpile of wheat....something they have never had before.  Russia never gave up their stockpiles.  The U.S.A. Government however after the cold war ended quietly, without fanfair sold off almost all of the wheat stockpile, and has choosen to no longer maintain a wheat reserve as was once done (in case of war).  We now maintain something like 1/10th of what we did during the cold war.

    War with China is inevitable....not because I said so, or anyone else said so, but because CHINA said so.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  11. No, who would I buy my lead covered baubles from ?

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