
Do you think we should have HONESTY and ETHICS TAUGHT in our youths' cirriculum?

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Has anyone heard of Epigenetics? Could it be that we will continue genetically predetermined into a downward spiral, a society based on complete self-absorbtion, Narcissism?? Or is there hope...this is why I ask if you think we should have Truth/Honesty and Ethics Taught in our schools.

It seems to me that kids are not taught at home about the

"Golden Rule" etc.




  1. I think that ethics and honesty courses should be a prerequisite for running for office .  

  2. well...i go to catholic private school. i think you can understand all the truth honesty and ethics i was told about each and every gets quite annoying but i can tell me and my friends are way different that kids that go to public school. like my friend in this one horrible school got pregnant twice before 16..and im not saying pubic is bad. Just that she was raised differently from me.

  3. That would be great, but getting everyone to agree (parents thinking this is their territory)would be a task.

    Yes, it is the parents department, but unfortunately the parents who don't care aren't the ones who will try to stop a school district from teaching Honesty & Ethics. There's a HUGE problem with kids raising themselves, searching out membership in gangs to replace their Maternal/Paternal needs.  There should be more attention to this idea of yours but no one want to ruffle feathers.  Sad.

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