
Do you think we should have gone to war in the first place?

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You know considering our president lied to us to get us in there.




  1. Yes and He was Lied to, , ,is it not time for all your kind to get over it can't change what has happened.


    @dded :

    Why do you believe the NEWS MEDIA that's only purpose is to make money for their company's medium?? You are not told everything by the military because the world can not handle the whole truth.

    : Lack of the Military verifying or denying the retrieval of WMDs to the world does not mean none were found. The world had proof ( WMDs are NOT JUST Nuclear in nature They include Biological, chemical, conventional explosives), Saddams gasing of the Kurds was proof of WMDs!

  2. nope. wepons of mass destruction never excisted, plus china and everybody else has them to. and 9/11 was the governments doing.

  3. I know you have made up your mind already and are not seeking an intelligent answer.....but just affirmation

    .....but I will try anyway....

    To start with....

    Iraq refused to comply with UN Peace Accords

    Iraq declared war on America

    Iraq paid suicide bombers $25,000 to kill Americans

    Iraq tried to kill American PeaceKeeping Forces three times

    Iraq tried to assassinate the President of the United States

    Iraq trained and protected terrorists including Al Quida

    Iraq funded terrorists including Al Quida

    .....and whether you believe it or not......Iraq had WMD's including yellow cake.....had the ability to deliver them..... we found them..... and some were even used against us

    There are strong indications that TONS of WMDs were moved to Syria.....we even know where and how it is stored

    This war is about "TERRORISM.....not 911.....or Osama..... or revenge.....or oil......or even "democracy"......

    Lt Cmdr..... Becareful my friend...... this war not only is winnable......WE ARE WINNING IT

    If we had taken strong action in 1979 when America was invaded.....this war and 911 would probably never have happened

    FINALLY...... What lies......I do not know one lie that was told by the administration..... list the lies please

  4. No, it was not a sensible idea. Our focus, while we had global support, should have been on apprehending the terrorists who attacked us on 911.

    Iraq only let us take our eyes off the ball, waste excessive money on a a situation we can't "win", and allow the terrorist network to regroup and build itself stronger.

    Putting 150,000 of our troops in harm's way, in the wrong country also creates logistical problems for future deployments. We had to move a lot of heavy armor to a location and it is difficult, if not impossible, to redeploy it. We usually leave a lot of heavy equipment behind when we leave. It is easier and more cost effective to build more instead. It also allows for military contracts for weapons that create wealth for the connected parties.

    It will now be very difficult to respond to other global threats if we have to, due to the fact that we're so heavily thinned out with Iraq, and, with enlistment down because of the negative effect the war in Iraq has had on recruitment. All in all, it is a big loss, except for the performance of the military members themselves.

    The attack of Iraq was inappropriate, poorly planned, poorly executed and not winnable. The troops have performed incredibly well in the 130 degree heat. They are the one saving grace and element that has worked out admirably well. Don't think any less of them, they are not instruments of politics, they are there to take orders and commands and get the job done, whatever it requires.

    Great question too.

    For kojak: Please stick to answering the question yourself. It is not my job to inform you of anything, including my beliefs, knowledge or opinions.

    It is a simple fact that Bush and Cheney deliberately lied to America and the world in order to attack Iraq for oil. They even asked the CIA to forge documents to support their agenda. The request was made on Bush's own White House stationary.  It is all coming out and Bush and Cheney may ultimately end up in prison. I don't have to be careful, Bush and Cheney do.

    Look it up yourself kojak:

    Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery

    John Byrne

    Published: Friday August 8, 2008

  5. I think the war needed to happen. We can't let terrorist come onto our soil and kill our people and do nothing about it, but has this war gotten out of hand and lasted wayyyyyy to long, yes. We need to hurry up and get that r****d out of office, bring our troops home, and worry about our own country until we get our c**p back together.  

  6. Not in Iraq

  7. I Think that the president is a dip**** for starting another war.

    Why get involved with something that isn't our buisness?

    If one country is hurting members of another, it is one country getting killed. If we get involved, we are killing them, they are killing us and the other country. I know it seems terrible to just let the country kill the people of another, but maybe before going to war we can try to stop it another way.

    War stops the problem temporarily.

    Peace stops it permanently.

    PeAce NOW!  

  8. Afghanistan yes Iraq no Iraq was a lie no WMD and everyone who fought against us was automatically a Terrorist Bush had a war plan for Iraq long before 9/11

  9. Not unless you are fine with Them getting rich and you getting poor. War based on lies, support the troops, bring them home!

  10. Think of all the men and women who will ALL die in vain if we do not finish what needs to be done! If we were to leave now, all of our efforts are f'ing pointless! Unfortunately, America does not have a stomach for war and for all you people out there, WMD's were found in chemical & biological form. Don't be so blind to this!

    The war on terrorism cannot be won as long as there are terrorist supporting states out there. So one way or the other, we need to get those crazy regimes out of the business of supporting terrorist groups of international reach. Saddam led one of those regimes and now, happily, he's gone; perhaps before the US was hit with an Iraqi based terrorist attack!

  11. the media has completely ****** up our country's brains. iraq had chemical weapons that he committed genocide against 1 million kurds with. those chemical weapons WERE the WMD's. they buried them along the syrian border. sadam and his opressive genocidal regime funded and supported al queda that were making threats against the US. true they didnt have anything to do with 9/11 but terrorists are terrorists. GWB never lied but Rumpsfeld took on the war all wrong, which is why we were in that mess. we should have done the surge from the beginning and we needed 300,000 soldiers to do it but rumpsfeld thought 200,000 was enough so he went along with it.

  12. No War is never the answer :-/

  13. Who really cares? whats done is done

    lets NOT fume about the past, and move onto bigger and better things

    Bush is done with his terms so you can just look forward to another president who will do his best to clean the "mess" that bush made

  14. Oh, so we ignore the other reasons, like the 17 UN Resolutions from the 1st time? We waited 12 years.. he did not comply. Give it a rest.

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