
Do you think we should have to learn spanish?

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I live in Texas, and all any teachers do is stress the importance of spanish. I know a lot of people down south are here illegally, and speak no english. But, i mean, it's our country. Shouldn't they learn english.




  1. Honestly, my opinion is that you should only learn another language if you wish to.  Though English is the most common spoken language in the United States, and is taught in schools, our government had never declared an official language.  And also, if you do learn another language, it is a good thing to have on a job application.  ESPECIALLY if the language is Spanish.(Caps are emphasis, not shouting.)  Spanish, also isn't very difficult to learn, in my opinion, especially if you have someone who speaks it natively to chat with.  But here, Spanish can be just as valid as French, German, Russian, Korean, etc.  So learning another language is your own choice.  It's not necessarily important, but is not a bad thing.  Especially with todays immigration rates to our country ;).  

  2. yeah they should! :) I am in Minnesota I am taking is UBER hard!! :) I am really bad at it

  3. It doesn't hurt to learn a second language!

  4. Umm i think you should


    It makes you look better when applying for a job or other stuff.

  5. The United States has no official language. English is the "de facto" language, meaning it's what people put as the official language because that's what most people speak. No one should "have" to learn any language,but since you live in Texas it would probably be enormously helpful to you to learn Spanish.

    Many people in other countries speak two or three languages fluently. It wouldn't hurt to expand your horizons.

  6. Historically, Spanish was spoken in Texas before English. The land used to be Spain and then Mexico. I believe it is important to learn another language, whether is Spanish, Mandarin, German, etc. But since Mexico is the second or third largest trading partner with the US, it's not a bad idea to learn the language. Also, Hispanics have a strong purchasing power in the US and why not using the language to enter a profiting market.

    It's just a thought, you can see it anyway you want. Some people when they have a rose in front of them prefer to see the thorns... and some prefer to see the flower. It's your take.

  7. I don't think we should HAVE to do anything, but yes, I am learning Spanish because I feel it's a shame that I only speak one language fluently.  As for them, yes, they should also learn English as it will broaden their horizons, but nobody should have to do anything.  I know of several Venezuelans in Florida that are learning English.

  8. If u want to come to any LATIN AMERICAN country, you HAVE to learn spanish and also for General culture, but in the US, u at least have to learn it because SPANISH is very usefull in a lot of states as NY, FL, CA, TX...

  9. Well to tell u the truth *thinkin in spanish* I think that the white ppl should learn spanish and the brown ppl should learn english, but I hate it when ppl who dont kno spanish say "it our country". Seriously? And who did the English ppl take it from??? Yep...the SPANISH SPEAKING, BROWN SKINNED Ppl. So dont tell us that we should learn english...and besides, this country is not made from one racial background...they say it is "the land of the free"...what? only white ppl are allowed to be free? They came here illegally, but what would you rather do...die in your country or go to another country so you can live and give a better life to the kids that you dont want to see killed bcuz of the mexican mafia???

    Oh and by the way in about 20 years...latinos are gonna out number the white yea


  10. I don't think you'll have to if you don't want to. It's pretty hard to force someone to learn a language. However, to stay competitive in a world economy you might have to.

    I started learning just because I like to. Here's a website that I go to a lot because they have tons of common phrases and topics that native Spanish speakers talk about and use all the time. It's This is the movie section where you can practice listening, but they also have other conversational Spanish sections.

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