
Do you think we should impose term limits in members of congress?

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Do you think we should impose term limits in memebers of congress?

please explain why

thank you




  1. Like any job there should be rules and we should be able to take them out sooner if they aren't doing their jobs well. They get too many good benefits and should do more with out corruption.

  2. More important, we need the recall vote establish. A recall vote with real teeth.

    In addition, we need to take away all the advantages that incumbants have from the free postage to a fairness doctorine for those who run against them. The numbers prove that incumbants are damned near impossible to dislodge. You should read up on this.

    We should be able to petition easily for a general election on any level for a "no confidence" vote. The old system is not working anymore. The media and the incumbants have a stranglehold on our government. Term limits would not be enough. It is much bigger than that and much more important. Money and the media wins elections. That means the ruling elite, the rich investor class, control the u.s. congress and all that comes with it. Empty promises of change will not cut it. Just picking a new face will not help you.

  3. No. I believe in freedom. People have the right to vote for whomever they want, even if it is the same person over and over again. I think you have to be pretty stupid to vote the same person into office for 50 years, but you should have the freedom to be that dumb.

    Be a leader, convince people to vote for somebody new. Passing a law is taking the easy way out and the cost is every body's freedom.

  4. Yes 100% and also an age limit in other words make these folks retire at 65 this goes from congress to the senate to the supreme court.


    United States Air Force Recruiter

    McCain 2008

  5. Yes!

    As politicians stay longer, they gain personal and financial power. They become complacent and spend most of their time holding on their power by gaining campaign funds from lobbyists that want their favor.

    Term limits had to be voted in here in CA at great resistance from the politicians, but it has worked well.

    However congress won't let it happen in DC.  They have too much to lose.

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