
Do you think we should rebel against Fuel prices by Bycotting all Gas Stations for a week and try to use other

by Guest32818  |  earlier

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forms of transport, I know some truly need their Cars but there are a large majority who could go without their cars if they really wanted to.. Isnt it about time we started to fight back and tell these greedy Oil producers and our Governments that enough is enough..




  1. Even if 50% of the US boycotted gas stations for a week that wouldnt do anything.

  2. U got what Gore and the Left has wanted. Do U have any idea about much it cost U.

  3. pointless to not buy gas, unless you drove less as well. Imagine what would happen if no car or truck was driven for even 2 days. and if it was still driven but just not any buying of gas, so what? We would all buy gas after the 2 days for no net loss of gas bought.

  4. If all Americans banned together, did some peaceful protests, cut way down on gas consumption, it would change everything.  But as long as everyone is comfortable with their lives and complacent to the problem, nothing will get solved.  We're dealing with a powerful monopoly that has even the politicians and the elected officials in their pocket.  The people are the ONLY ones that can stop the insanity!

  5. IDK

  6. The only way this would work is if everyone stopped buying gas period until prices changed, but that would never happen.

  7. YES YES YES!!!

  8. the trouble is, no one really wants to. I see more Hummers and escalades now than ever. people LOVE sucking down gas.

    Although i'd be overjoyed to see such a movement (h**l I haven't bought a drop in over a year) Solidarity like that simply doesn't exist in this country. the majority think of it as "liberal hippy agendas" or some c**p.

  9. yes people should not buy gas for two days then gas will go down buy a few cents or dollars

  10. yeah, lets try something that hasnt been thought of before, oh wait perhaps you havent read the billions's of emails that have been sent out over the past few years claiming that boycotting gas stations will help reduce prices. as for the "greedy oil producers" if you own stock in an oil company or have a 401k then you ARE one of those "greedy oil producers".  if you want to make a real difference, contact your congressmen and tell them you want the congress to get out of the way of the oil companies and allow them to drill where the oil is. tell congress you want them to get out of the way of coal liquefaction plants, and that you want more refineries built. tell congress to give up on corn based ethanaol, and rather switch to sugar based ethanol instead as it has a much higher yield AND it doesnt drive food prices up. tell congress to get out of the way of business, and tell the environmentalists to go pound sand because we need this country to be energy independent.

  11. My dad was just talking about doing that. Yes it would make a big difference on the prices. It is about time we tell all the greedy a** holes to stop taking so much profit. We pay 180.00 dollars to fill a whole fricken tank of gas

  12. i don't think it would work because the gas stations would know that eventually people would start buying it again....but maybe if one or two of the top gasoline companies were boycotted that might do something....people could still buy gas from other companies, but those couple of companies would have to do something (like lower their prices) if nobody was buying their gas

  13. Of course.  You Americans should learn to use public transportation more often.  You're the country that produces the largest percentage of pollution in the world, yet there are other countries 3 times as populated.

  14. I don't think most people even fill up once a week.

    And the gas station owner going on a hunger strike and starving to death didn't do anything.

  15. i think everyone.

    should stay in they're house.

    cops firemen.


    dont buy gas for a few dayss.

  16. Trade your car in for an electric car. Zap is coming out with some nice stuff at the end of this year. And will all the hydrogen fuel cell technology coming out like from Millennium Cell and Horizon the distance the cars will be able to travel will be competitive with the gas powered vehicles. Im done paying for gas.

  17. yes i think that would be great, however i dont know if everyone would or could do that, for example, if 18 wheelers stop rolling down the interstate the government steps in and takes over the movement of the freight in this country. and really all it would take would be a couple of days of the trucks to stop running and the store shelves would be empty, passenger cars on the other hand could park for a while, I am sure people can get together and carpool, ride a bike, take thier local transit system(which most have a carrier on the front for bikes), or even walk. they may find that they like the new way they get to work and you also end up saving money on top of it! all in all a great idea, will we be able to orginize something like that? who knows, but if we all do our part and try to find alternative ways to school, work and wherever else we go the world would probably be a better place.

  18. I would go farther. Don't go anywhere at all for a week. Now that would be good and would definitely get the message across. That way, those who have no choice to use their cars and those that can rely on other methods of transport can be in the same situation work-wise. Also, it would affect the economy more and thus provide more pressure.

  19. They are rigging the prices so high, I hardly see anyone at the gas stations anymore.

    Ever since the talk of global warming and environmental conditions, CARTELS (Inside professional quick money scheme con artists)  find an advantage in reaping the benefits of the mother necessity of all invention...the automobile. The more we spend on gas, the "cartels" get richer.

    The only way we can stop making them reap the benefits is to take public transportation whenever possible. It will cut down on your gas bills and probably save the environment.

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