
Do you think we should start putting calorie restrictions on restaurant items?

by  |  earlier

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i mean, when some entrees are going over 3000 calories, that's a little bit overkill, do you think (non-privately owned) restaurants should adhere to some sort of code or do you think they should be able to do whatever?




  1. Do you think we should start putting IQ restictions on internet posts?

    If I eat a BBQ meal at "Smokey Bones" it is about 3500 calories.

    If I serve the same meal at home on 4th of July, it wil be about 3200 calories ( I don't put as much sugar in my beans ).  Should I hang a warning sign on my front door?  Post a Nutritional facts label on every Chinette plate?

    People should be responsible for what they eat and put into their bodies and stop relying on others or especially the government to decide for them what they can and cannot eat (or be served).

  2. It is funny you should ask that question because last night

    our local news show was showing people going into restaurants the calorie counts of the foods. These were chain

    restaurants like McDonalds. Most of the people had no idea

    what the calorie count was. One person really like an appetizer and ordered it every time she went in there. She guessed about 200 or 300 calories. It was 3200 calories. She nearly fainted. The owner came out of the place and made the camera crew leave. In one way I think they should be forced to put the calorie, fat and salt contents on the menu because the people who sell the food have to do that right?

    But in another way I think it is up to people to know this stuff themselves and not have the government spoon feed them everything.  I do think that if you did have the calorie counts on the menus a lot of people would order a lot less and

    restaurants would either have to come up with low cal options or they would go bankrupt!

  3. No, i do wish that restaurants wold provide a calorie guide on the back of their menus first. I recently found out that Quizno's flat bread salad was 900 calories! Never again! it's misleading because it's a salad!

  4. they should put either a code or a warning to customers!!  that is most definitely overkill.

  5. What are non-privately owned restaurants?  I have yet to see a government owned restaurant.

  6. They should have what they are on the menu with calories and such just in case. But i dont need someone to babysit me and tell me what i can and cannot eat. I know d**n well when i put something in my mouth at say TGI fridays the meals are gonna be full of calories and the desserts even worse. There shouldent be a code were humans we dont need babysitters if were old enough. WE choose to do things like this and its no ones place no government or company to tell me whats edible for me and whats not.

  7. no, but they should post the nutritional facts on all thier food, because we may not realize how many calories are in that meal. But it's great to indulge a little :)

  8. No. I think people should start holding themselves accountable for the insane amounts of food they shovel into their own mouths. Restaurants provide food and portions that are in demand. Food service employees are not dieticians.

  9. not at all we should be able to eat whatever we want to eat. the goverment all ready restricts most of the fun things in life why restrict food

  10. it should be illegal for 3000 calories per meal, but their should be some kind of warning on the menu.  But it ultimately should be up to the consumer.

  11. No way. They should be able to do whatever they want. If people are going to order something unhealthy, they should have enough sense to know that it will have a lot of calories. It's their fault if they choose to eat that, and not the restaurants.

  12. well i dont think that restricting is necessary..

    i mean it would be nice if there was like a small little nutrition table on the menu so you could see what you are ordering..

    but sometimes.. i think people know that they are eating that much and just dont care..

  13. That is fascism!! You shouldn't have the power to tell me what I can or can't eat. If i want a 5000 calorie cake, I eat that cake!!

  14. no let people eat whatever they want

  15. No I don't. Besides it would be hard to do, especially in restaurants that cook their food fresh.

    I work in a restaurant, a locally owned one, and we have wraps that people go crazy for. But what they don't realize, that the wrap itself is 1,000 calories!! That's ridculous! So these people that are dieting are thinking they are doing good for themselves, when they're not. I will tell them, but they'll order it anyway.

    It's up to the consumer to learn the calorie intake on foods. If you're dieting, then you definately learn about calories and intake of certain foods. We know what is good for us and what isn't.

    So I would say it's up to the customer and not the restaurant.

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