
Do you think we still need unions

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I believe we do. It keeps employers fair. I have spoken to some people who say we dont anymore, their time has gone etc, but if it wasnt for them things might slowly regress. Obviously we cannot trust big businesses to look after the workers as payroll and benefits to workers do not support shareholder wealth. I will present this article in support of my argument. Please do not report me etc for ranting, Im just giving my views so that you can formulate an answer and address these points.




  1. Absolutely. If you've ever read the "Is This Legal?" in Law and Ethics, you'll see why they are necessary. The answer to most questions in there is "Yes, you can be fired for that." or "You really have no recourse."

    How about the fact if you don't get paid on time, you can be told I'll pay you next week, but your bills don't care. I got fired because the owner lost $100 out of the till and he thought it was me but I didn't do it. There are many reasons to have a union.  

  2. I believe unions are a very important part of our work force.  My fella is Union.  If he wasn't a Union Iron Worker, he wouldn't have the jobs and the money to support us and pay the bills.  And the best part is, if he ever loses a job, he can go to the hall and get another one in a day, and get paid the same pay scale.  Garanteed benefits, health, pay, vacation and he'll never have to search for a job again-stability.

    Me on the other hand..would start back at minimum wage.

  3. Most Americans prospered after WW2 as better paying jobs became available. With the insertion of labor unions, unionized employees could look forward to adequate pay raises that helped them keep pace with inflation. Union workers also help non union workers receive pay raises.

    After Reagan took office and fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981 who were members of PATCO, that set the ball in motion for union busting and the effects are still felt today.

    Reagan basically made it ok for employers to ignore unions and that set the tone for lagging wages, loss of employees rights etc etc. Under Reagan I don't think the minimum wage moved much if at all. Unemployment benefits were changed drastically because of Reagan.

    Wal-Mart employees as well others could benefit from union representation. It's really sad that the Walton family members are each worth about $15 billion dollars and they treat their employees as if this were some 3 world country.

  4. Yes unions are still needed. They've lost much of their power when compared to the past but that's an ebb and flow thing. If the unions could figure out a better system then seniority, they'd be much better. I've seen much better teachers who really care about their students get laid off because they'd only been in the system 5 years when the uncaring, nonproductive grumpy old guy stays.

  5. Lots of people are helped with UNIONS

    it is the non union shops that are forced to pay their workers a living

    wage because of union shops.  everyone benefits with collective is safeer and people have more security


  6. Yes otherwise we'll all die working at Wal-Marts

  7. i think we do

  8. I believe the unions are still a good thing (being a union member and my husband is also) but I also believe they need to resolve a few problems, one in fact is I hate that lazy slug union members use union protection to their advantage other then a few other small issues, I am a proud member..

  9. Unions do serve a purpose.  That is, with the right circumstance.  My father works for a company that is nation wide.  His location is the only one out of about 10 locations that is not unionized. His location has better benifits, higher pay, and more vacation days that either of the others.  Oh and consider that his location is in Mississippi, which has one of the Nations lowest pay rates. So  unions are not for everyone, although they have helped countless individuals and their families for many years.

  10. NO, they are useless. they allow people to stay in jobs they dont deserve and get a wage for doing remedial tasks they dont deserve. People have no incentive to care when they cant be fired or are guaranteed some wage increase they dont deserve. I'd rather hire a mexican to paint or put a roof on my house than a union.

  11. yes the Teachers Union is what a Union should be all about, Worry about the Teachers salary only, s***w DA KIDS

  12. look at walmart.  If a company ever needed unionship it was Walmart.

  13. After the '60s and early '70s I'd have said 'h**l NO'! Now, however, the pendalum is swinging back the other way with a vengence so 'YES, h**l YES WE NEED UNIONS!'

  14. We still need unions.  Like you say we cannot trust big business to look after the workers.

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