
Do you think we will ever find these so called weapons of *** destruction or are we wasting our time overseas?

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Do you think we will ever find these so called weapons of *** destruction or are we wasting our time overseas?




  1. They supposedly had them, but then our agenda kept changing.

    It changed to oil, then since we were getting pissed off that our people were dying there for oil, they said they were there to bring Iraq freedom, where they don't give a c**p about freedom, they only want jobs and education, but hey, the Republicans did well in abusing their power.

    I mean, in the Korean War, they found out that Americans killed off innocent koreans and also raped them, just like Vietnam as well.

  2. no, that was the excuse for invading in the first place.  It was a lie just as all the excuses for staying in Iraq are.  If you want the truth follow the money

  3. Sure, we just have to go into Syria to get them. Do you really think all those Iranians and Kurds just dropped over dead without Saddam poisoning them?

  4. I think that question was answered a few months ago when Bush admitted he was wrong.  Next time pay attention.  

  5. You can't find what doesn't and never existed in the first place.  We went on a hunch, not on actual facts.  Plus Bush can't just "find" these weapons.  Then the neo-cons can't use scare tactics anymore to frighten the American people.

  6. Nah, just the stuff used to make them.

  7. More people who live in lala land called the Internet found in this question, just unbelievable. Got a guy saying it is about oil. Okay, protest this oil based war. But you can't cause your "ENTIRE" life would come to an end. Every facet of your life has oil in it some where.

    Fine, Hussein didn't have "THE" weapons. He did have mass killings of his own people for his amusement. But we really should have left him alone. Genocide here is acceptable right? It is just wrong elsewhere. And there is a neighbor country that is building WMD's right now, have already been testing them, and has declared that the USA is high on the targeted list. But really Iran is just teasing and kidding around.

  8. Will we ever find them, no one knows. As of wasting our time overseas, thats depends really, the d**n mother ******* terrorists need to die at all costs, so we can live a peaceful world. But, I feel there are way more important issues to consider, like genocides, and home land problems, like security and economy.  

    Besides, if they were smart in their plans, they woulda used them by now if they had them, so I would say yes we are wasting our time and money.

  9. We're not looking for those anymore. We're bombing democracy on them!!

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