
Do you think we will go back to th horse and cart days for travel? pleas explain your reasoning.?

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Do you think we will go back to th horse and cart days for travel? pleas explain your reasoning.?




  1. If everyone goes back to horses, there's a bunch of people that had better plan on starving.  What do you think horses eat?  The same grain humans do.  One standing around doing nothing doesn't need grain and can make it on grass, but if they do any kind of work, it's grain time.  And after all the pansy animal lovers got horse slaughter stopped in the US, we can't even eat them.  That's the only good thing I can say about the French, they eat horses.  

    And for all you vegans wanting to prevent the rest of us from eating meat, bear in mind that humans cannot live on grass.  However, we can eat animals that do, thus turning material unfit for human consumption into something fit.  Much of the land in the Great Plains and western US can grow grass, but it's totally impossible to grow cereal grains that humans can eat on that same land.  That's the same system nature uses to feed carnivores; a zebra eats grass and is then eaten by a lion...thus the grass actually supports (indirectly) the lion.

  2. The majority of the world's population is not in developed countries and so I would say that the time of the horse and cart has never gone away.  And unless the vehicle manufacturers get serious about producing electrical or air powered cars (as they should) then when we run out of fossil fuels, it'll be back to the old horse and cart for us too.

  3. Do u think we will run out of oil & gas?? If so it will not happen. The earth with the help of our plants continually recycle the fossil fuels. The plants take in CO2 and gives us back the O2 and keeps the C . Follow the C ,is like this. The plants die and their leaves will wash down to the delta where it deteriates into fossil fuels. The actual oil is plant oil not animal. The fat in the animals came from plants.


  5. if this were 1910 technology wise, and oil production prospects were like now, then i would say probably yes we might be headed back to the horse and buggy days. however with the technology available today, and with the coal reserves the US has, i believe the horse and buggy days are long gone for developed countries, and are on their way out even in undeveloped countries. we are going to have times of plenty, and times of famine, as usual, but the world will continue to reduce its reliance on animals as labor saving capital.

  6. The horse is too high mantainance and it would not be able to satisfy the needs of almost all people.  

    It was a great form of transportation for thousands of years, so good in fact, that alternative forms were over looked even though the technology existed hundred of years before the first horseless carriage.  

    Today there are a bunch of alternatives that would work better then the horse.  but good thinking though!

  7. Going back to horse and cart would not provide enough entertainment but would be like a walk to the store or night cub. Every form of transportation has a person or a place were it can be enjoyed.  Sorry I deleted. History of copper site. Past refining 3000 BC. I use a file because I think that tarnish is dangerous. All the colors of the rainbow. The copper cannibal.

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